Refleksi : Kalau kepingan satelit yang jatuh ke bumi kena kepala orang, mungkin 
ceritanya bagi yang tidak tahu malahnya bisa seperti film :  "God must be 
crazy", yang meceritakan  botol coca cola yang dilemparkan dari pesawat terbang.


Debris of US and Russian satellites begin to fall down on Earth

The debris of the two satellites, which collided on Earth's orbit for the first 
time in the history of mankind in February of this year, begin to fall down on 
the planet, RIA Novosti reports with reference to the US Strategic Command, 
which monitors the near-Earth space. 

Russia 's Cosmos 2251 military communication satellite and US Iridium 
33communication satellites collided in space February 10 at the height of over 
800 kilometers above the territory of Russia 's Krasnoyarsk region. 

The fragments of the two satellites, which fall down on Earth, pose no danger 
at all, for they are tiny pieces of the craft - not larger than 1 centimeter. 
The fragment numbered as 1993-036PX will enter the Earth's atmosphere on March 
12. Fragment 1993-036KW will enter the atmosphere on March 28, and fragment 
1993-036MC will follow on March 30, website says. All of them 
are only one centimeter in size. They will be destroyed in the atmosphere and 
will pose no danger to people. 

The collision of the two satellites in orbit marked the first-ever collision of 
two undamaged satellites. All the previous incidents occurred when satellites 
collided with space garbage. 

Russia 's Cosmos 2251 military communication satellite was not operating for 
many years. It was living out its days in orbit like many other old satellites. 

Cosmos 2251 satellite weighs about 800 kilos. It was used as a communication 
satellite for military purposes. The satellite lasts for only three years. 

Iridium 33/24946 is a commercial communication craft weighing about 700 kilos. 
It lasts from five to eight years. There were 66 Iridium satellites in 
near-Earth orbit before the collision. Iridium Holdings LLC will replace the 
damaged satellite during the upcoming 30 days. 

Three hundred and fifty five catalogue entries have been made to designate the 
debris of Cosmos 2251 and 159 entries - for the fragments of Iridium 33. The 
debris of Cosmos float in space at the heights from 198 to 1,689 kilometers. 
The numbers for Iridium are smaller - from 582 and 1,262 kilometers. 

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