Last update - 17:06 26/07/2009     
      Egypt refers accused Hezbollah operatives to emergency court  
      By News Agencies  
      Tags: Hezbollah, Egypt, Israel News   

      Egyptian prosecutors have referred 26 men accused of links to Hezbollah 
to an emergency state security court on terrorism and espionage-related 
charges, a prosecution statement said on Sunday. 

      The prosecutor's statement Sunday charged the suspects, led by Hezbollah 
operatives Mohamed Qublan and Sami Chehab, with spying for a foreign group, 
planning attacks against tourists and shipping in Suez Canal, and sending 
operatives to Gaza to help militant groups there. 

      The statement said some of the men had monitored shipping in the canal 
and tourist movements and had assisted Hezbollah operatives in making bombs. 
Some had gone abroad to train in Hezbollah camps, it added. 

      Hezbollah has said Sami Chehab is a member of the group who had been 
providing military supplies to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip with the help of 
up to 10 others but denied targeting Egypt. 

      A Hezbollah spokesman, contacted by The Associated Press, declined to 
comment Sunday and a Lebanese judicial official said that Lebanese authorities 
have not yet received any formal Egyptian request for Qublan's arrest or 

      Egypt's relations with Hezbollah have been strained since the group last 
year called Egypt a "partner in crime" with Israel against Palestinians in 
Gaza. Egypt said Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah was trying to create chaos 
in the region to serve the interests of others, an apparent reference to Iran. 

      Rights groups say Egypt has used "exceptional" courts like emergency and 
military courts to secure guilty verdicts and point to swift and often harsh 
sentences passed by the courts against Islamist militants in the 1990s. 

      A lawyer representing some of the men told Reuters the referral to an 
exceptional court had been expected. 

      "It's a very long line of accusations, and I imagine they will all be 
rebutted before the court, but of course the big problem is that they are being 
referred to an exceptional court... which denies the accused the most basic 
legal protections," said Abdel Moniem Abdel Maqsoud. 

      The prosecution said the men included five Palestinians and two Lebanese, 
as well as Egyptians and Sudanese, and that one senior Hezbollah official and 
three Egyptians remain at large. 

      A date for the trial has not yet been set. 

      Related articles: 

      a.. Egypt: Hezbollah targeted Israeli tourists in Sinai 

      a.. ANALYSIS / Israel is profiting from Egypt-Hezbollah quarrel 

      a.. Mossad tip led to capture of Hezbollah cell in Sinai 


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