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Subject: A Syrian Government Media Campaign Against "Honor Killings"
Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2006 14:18:34 -0400


Inquiry & Analysis-Syria/Reform Project
June 7, 2006
No. 280

A Syrian Government Media Campaign Against "Honor Killings"

By H. Avraham*

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The September 2005 murder of a young Druze woman, Huda Abu 'Asali, 
by members of her family because of her marriage to a man outside 
of her ethnic group, sparked a wave of outraged reaction throughout 
Syria against the phenomenon of "honor killings" of women by their 
male relatives. The independent Syrian website "Syrian Women" 
(www.nesasy.com ) launched a sweeping campaign, under the slogan 
"Stop the Murder of Women, Stop the 'Honor Crimes!'"(1) and posted 
numerous articles by Syrian Muslim and Christian clerics as well as 
by attorneys, intellectuals, and ordinary citizens. As part of the 
campaign, the site posted a petition calling for a stop to honor 
killings. To date, nearly 10,000 people have signed this petition, 
most of them from Syria.

The main goal of the campaign is the amendment of Articles 548, 
239, 240, 241, and 242 of the Syrian penal code, which grant 
immunity or a significantly reduced sentence to a man who murders a 
female relative.(2)

A few months later the Syrian government press joined the campaign. 
The Syrian daily Teshreen published several harsh articles stating 
that honor killings were the product of "historical backwardness" 
and calling for changes in both the Syrian penal code and the 
school curricula. The Syrian government daily Al-Thawra published a 
special investigation of honor killings, which found that over 40 
honor killings took place every year in Syria. The investigation 
also included comments by Syrian attorneys and clerics, who said 
that murder is forbidden by all religions and that the articles of 
the penal code permitting those guilty of murdering women to evade 
just punishment must be abolished.

The following is a review of the discussion of honor killings in 
the Syrian government and non-government media:


Syrian Government Daily: "The Time has Come for Us to Rise Above 
This Historical Backwardness and This Ugly Cruelty"

Two articles published by the Syrian government daily Teshreen 
powerfully condemned honor killings. Both called for changing the 
articles of the Syrian penal code that permitted men who murder 
women to easily escape punishment.

In the first article, Dr. Samer Abd Al-Ghani Al-'Itri wrote: "How 
odd it is that [even] in our time, we find [people] who do not 
recognize a woman's right to study and to inherit - and if, for 
religious reasons, they believe [in her right to inherit], [in 
practice] they do not act in an egalitarian manner. What is both 
worst and the most amazing is a man who does not believe in [a 
woman's] right to practice medicine...

"It goes without saying that it is permitted to kill a woman merely 
because someone suspects her - on the pretext of 'defending the 
[family] honor.' How many instances of real injustice, painful 
violence, and frightening false accusations have been suffered by 
women who have been suspected by their fathers, brothers, and 
husbands... There have been horrifying incidents, that chill the 
body with the bloodshed, barbarism, and cruelty with which they 
bring us back to the Stone Age. What is truly saddening is that 
some of these abhorrent crimes were carried out on pretexts and 
because of [false] claims of honor - while [in reality] they stem 
from other reasons and motives... In the name of the oppressed 
[women], in the name of these innocent souls murdered over the 
generations because of fanaticism, backwardness, and ignorance, I 
call for and demand a reexamination of the huge [body of] judicial 
material that essentially gives the man a right to shed the blood 
of the woman on the
   pretext of eradicating shame or defending [family] honor.

"I think that the time has come for us to rise above this 
historical backwardness and this ugly cruelty. The time has come 
for us to rescue the woman from this Jahiliyya [the pre-Islamic 
period of ignorance] in which we have lived for some 2,000 years, 
and for us to rid ourselves of our condescension towards the woman, 
as if she were something inferior or despicable.

"It is very sad to observe the strange duality with which some of 
our own generation's intellectuals behave towards women. Some of us 
come from Oxford, Cambridge, and the Sorbonne - yet treat their 
wives, daughters, and sisters with ancient feudalism and 
repression... The revolution that we need is not only an economic 
or social revolution, but also one concerning our bodies and our 

"First, the individual must be liberated, and [only] then will the 
land be liberated, and [after that, as a result] everything [else] 
will be liberated automatically... When we manage to create an 
open, cultivated individual free of every kind of emotional 
ugliness, the way will be paved, and it will be easy to accomplish 
that comprehensive awakening for which we yearn...

"Here I find myself quoting the position of Muhammad Abduh:(3) 'The 
family is the primary unit, and there the woman plays a great role; 
she is [the one who takes care of and is responsible for] the 
family.' But how can the woman fill this role and bear this 
responsibility when she is persecuted, stripped of her humanity, 
drowning in ignorance, darkness, and superstition, and closed off 
from the world [?]...

"Madam, we confess [our sins] before you; we have been mistaken 
throughout history. We have destroyed your rosy dreams, and by so 
doing have destroyed our own dreams. We have stolen your life from 
you, and thus have stolen all of our lives; we have robbed you of 
your expectations, and have come to have no expectations; we have 
prevented you from [realizing] your wishes and have come to have no 
wishes [ourselves]; we have destroyed your mind, and lost our own. 
We confess to denying [you your rights]; we confess to our 
[dishonor], and to being opportunists... We are sorry for the long 
history during which you have been persecuted, for the great 
oppression against you, and for the boundless repression [to which 
you have been subjected]... because you... are the symbol of the 
liberation of thought and of emotion [in Syria].

"When we succeed in liberating you, we will have covered half of 
the path on the way to liberating our society from its complexes, 
its repression, and its long night..."(4)

Columnist in Syrian Government Daily: We Must Tackle the Root of 
the Problem - the School Curricula

In the second article from the government daily Teshreen, columnist 
Hassan M. Yousef called for amendment of the Syrian penal code to 
ensure that murderers would receive a just punishment. He also 
called for changes to the school curricula, which, according to 
him, are the root of the problem: "During [every one of the] last 
few months, some instances of so-called 'honor crimes' have 
occurred across Syria. [One was that of] a respectable woman who 
lawfully married the man she loved, but her relatives saw her 
marriage as a humiliation of their honor because she had not 
married within her ethnic group. A few years later, when [she] came 
to visit them under the assumption that they had forgiven her, they 
murdered her... [Another case was that of] a girl who did not 
respond to a boy's overtures. So he took her picture with a 
cell-phone, attached [the photo] of her head to [a photo of the 
body of] a naked woman, and presented the picture to her brother. 
The brother went home and m
  urdered his sister, just like that!...

"Right after the crime caused by the forged cell-phone photo, I 
demanded... an amendment of Articles 548, 239, 240, 241, 242 of the 
Syrian penal code, [to ensure] that murderers of women would 
receive a just punishment, with no reduction or exemption. I again 
demand changing the law to put an end to the crimes perpetrated in 
the name of [family] honor! I also demand, even prior to that, that 
the problem of the school curricula be dealt with – because this 
type of crime begins [with inculcating these] perceptions [of 

Syrian Government Paper Investigates: Syrian Law Lives at Peace With Murderers

An investigative report on honor killings by Al-Thawra found that 
the Syrian penal code permits men to easily get out of being 
punished for murdering women. The paper quoted jurists and Muslim 
and Christian clerics, and all, without exception, stated that the 
murder of women to defend family honor is a crime and is against 
all religions and all the rules of human morality. The following 
are excerpts from the investigation:

"The women in our society are subject to severe attacks by 
relatives and family members who spill their blood on the pretext 
of [defending family] honor and removing the shame. It seems that 
the broad meaning of this expression [i.e. 'defending family honor 
and removing shame'] has opened the door wide to [the phenomenon 
of] getting rid of women through abhorrent murder - for many 
reasons, such as inheritance, mixed marriage, and various excuses - 
in the guise of ostensible [family] honor.

"The law [lives at peace] with this crime, and [accepts] the 
criminal's extenuating circumstances, while ignoring the real 
reasons [behind the murder]. Thus, the law satisfies the will of 
society and of tradition, [both of which] support the crime and 
strengthen its hand, [and] break out in cries of joy over its 
victory [while] it removes the shame with blood, restoring [the 
family's] wounded honor..."

Syrian Attorney: The Syrian Legislator Embraces the Evil Urges of 
the Human Soul

The Al-Thawra investigative report quotes Syrian attorney Abdallah 
Ali, director of the Syrian website for law 
(http://www.alnazaha.net/main.htm ), saying: "There is no such 
thing as 'honor crimes' in the law. It is one of the terms that the 
accepted custom has imprinted [in people's minds]. This [term] 
refers to any crime that a person carries out in the name of the 
honor, or where honor is the motive [for committing a crime]."

According to Ali, the term 'honor crimes'' is an oxymoron: While 
honor is acquired by adhering to supreme principles, crime means 
moral or legal inferiority. He writes: "What is regrettable is that 
the Syrian legislator has fallen [into the trap of this] 
contradiction, by embracing and legitimizing 'honor crimes' and 
ruling that the perpetrators of these crimes are not to be punished 
- as stated by Article 548 of the [Syrian] penal code... The reason 
[the man] is not punished is the humiliation that he feels in this 
situation... It would seem that the Syrian legislator... is 
adapting himself to the evil urges of the human soul, enabling them 
to burst forth. Indeed, the excuse of [the perpetrator's sense of] 
humiliation, on which [the Syrian legislator] relies in order to 
justify the man's exemption from punishment, can also serve for 
other criminals and other crimes...

"In brief, this article [of the penal code] must be eliminated... 
no matter what primitive considerations led the Syrian legislator 
to adopt it... We see that these considerations have not stood the 
test of reality..."

Director of Islamic Research Center, Damascus: The Penal Code 
Ignores Shari'a, Which Forbids Murder

The Al-Thawra investigation also quotes Dr. Muhammad Habash, Syrian 
MP and director of the Islamic Research Center in Damascus, stating 
that honor crimes are forbidden by Islam and are counter to 
Shari'a; therefore, Article 548 of the Syrian penal code must be 
abolished: "Whoever carries out these crimes has no honor, sense, 
or religion... It was Islam that brought the sanctity of human 
blood [to the world]. It is clear that murder, of any kind, is a 
grave crime, among the gravest of crimes [in Islam]... The 
phenomenon of murdering [women] out of a motive of [family] honor 
is one of the manifestations of backwardness from which Arab 
society in general suffers..."

According to Habash, Article 548 of the Syrian penal code 
disregards shari'a and is lenient towards backwardness and distance 
from the religion. He emphasizes that he supports the complete 
abolition of this article of the penal code, and adds: "It is known 
that Islamic law has set a punishment for a man accusing [someone] 
of prostitution without evidence - and that punishment is 80 
lashes. If such is the punishment for a man who speaks ill of a 
woman without cause, then what should be the punishment for a man 
who murders a woman without cause!"

Father Antoine Musilh: "How Can a Human Soul Be so Easily Murdered?"

In the investigation, the newspaper also included statements by 
Roman Catholic priest Antoine Musilh: "In all religions, murdering 
a human soul is forbidden, and is a great crime... There is no such 
thing as 'honor crime'... crime is crime... Article 548 of the 
penal code gives the criminal a reduced punishment. It is bad 
enough that if a family member is suspicious about the behavior of 
a young girl in the family, the law permits him to kill her and to 
enjoy a reduced punishment. [But] sometimes the murder is committed 
for material reasons, or because of inheritance [issues] or because 
[the girl] married against her family's wishes - and then the girl 
is killed [and the murderer] evades punishment when he attributes 
the crime to the [girl's] ostensibly shameful behavior...

"How can a human soul be so easily murdered, and a young girl's 
right to live so easily stripped from her? We are all against 
murder, and in general the Church does not permit murder - not in 
such instances, and not in other instances. For murder is a crime 
that has no connection to human and religious rules of behavior and 


In September 2005, the independent Syrian website "Syrian Women" 
(www.nesasy.com ), that focuses on issues of society in Syria, 
particularly on discrimination and violence against women and 
children, launched a campaign against honor killings. The site's 
director is Syrian publicist Bassam Al-Kadi, who is also a women's 
rights activist. As part of its campaign, the site posted the 
"National Document" petition calling to stop the murder of women, 
along with a series of articles by intellectuals, attorneys, 
clerics, and Syrian citizens criticizing honor killings and calling 
for amendment of the Syrian penal code so that the perpetrators 
would no longer be exempt from punishment or receive reduced 
punishments for such murders.

The Petition: Stop the Murder of Women... Stop the Honor Crimes!

In its petition, "Syrian Women" called to stop honor killings, to 
abolish the articles of the penal code that exempt such murderers 
from just punishment, and to impose harsher penalties for them. So 
far, nearly 10,000 signatures have been collected, mostly from 
Syria.  The following are excerpts from the document:

"It may be that Huda Abu 'Asali was fated to be the torch leading 
the call that came too late. But she is not the only one whose 
throat the knife of backwardness has slit, and whose heart the 
bullet from [the gun of] manliness has pierced... There are [many] 
besides her, who are wrapped in silence - the silence of the people 
and of those responsible!! And the victim is always the same: the 

"Always, in different ways and on various pretexts, Article 548 and 
Articles 239-242 of the [Syrian] penal code manage to extricate the 
murderer from the natural punishment [he deserves] after [only] a 
few months, that rarely exceed the number of fingers on one hand!...

"The time has come for us to say 'no' to the murder of women in our 
country! 'No' to the mitigation of punishment for the murderer, 
whatever his reasons!... Let us say 'No' to Articles 548, 239, 240, 
241, and 242 of the Syrian penal code! 'No' to the exoneration of 
the criminal murderers! 'Yes' to just punishment, with no 
mitigation or exemption! Life is a right sanctified by every 
religion and by divine and earthly precepts, and also by all human 
rights charters and all laws..."(7)

He Who Remains Silent at the Murder of Women is Worse Than the 
Murderer Himself!

An article titled "Are You a Murderer?!" posted on the website 
"Syrian Women" harshly criticizes those who remain silent in the 
face of the increasing honor killings: "These are the women who are 
being murdered! Women threatened by the knife of masculinity! Women 
killed by the bullets of the hell of hatred and backwardness! Women 
set afire by the fuel of stupid madness! Women who are being 
murdered here and there in every district of this 'safe' country 
because they dare to be 'human beings!' Because they dare to sense 
their existence! Because they dare to open their eyes!

"The murderer is indeed a criminal!... But is he the only 
murderer?! Not at all. Too many criminals are hiding behind this 
'brave' [murderer]! Many criminals, too cowardly to lift their 
heads and say: Here we are! Criminals unworthy of even a glance of 
compassion... it is they who encourage and incite to this murder 
[i.e. honor killings]! It is they who welcome this deed, in every 
possible way! And it is they who remain silent in light of this 
deed, no matter what their justification!

"Are you among them?! Do you understand those who secretly say that 
this murder is forbidden and criminal, and then justify their 
silence and the fact that they are not raising their voices [by 
saying that] 'society's conditions must be respected?!'

"If you are indeed such a one, then [I say,] without begging your 
pardon, that you are another murderer! A murderer worse than the 
one who kills with his own hands! Perhaps [the murderer who kills 
with his own hands] will yet feel the sorrow of a brother who 
murders his sister, or of a father who murders his daughter, and 
then will regret it and change! But you, with your silence, 
engender murderers, at any given moment! With the blessing that you 
give [to murder,] you bring murderers into the world at any given 

"In terms of crime: If he is a murderer, then you are a 
blood-letter! Take a good look at yourself in the mirror: What do 
you see?! A man who is proud of his humanity and cries 'No!' to the 
murder of women in our country? Or a murderer lurking behind [the 
slogan of] the 'need to obey society' and other such drivel?!"(8)

Honor Killings Reflect Blind Obedience to Tradition and Traditional 
Leaders, With No Connection to Religion, Moral Values, and Human 

Dr. Finita Al-Sheikh wrote critically of Arab society's 
encouragement to murder women: "We are all murderers when we accept 
such a murder, for whatever reason. If truth be told, many 
[factors] in our society encourage such crimes... Moral guidelines 
are like a beautiful plant - in order to grow, they need care, 
supervision, constant work, and a family in which love, consensus, 
and mutual respect prevail...

"The laws that discriminate between men and women - by giving the 
man freedom but setting conditions that oppress and humiliate the 
woman - shame the woman. But more than that, they shame the man. 
They also contribute greatly to keeping the man in our society 
incapable of thought and lacking in personality - which makes it 
easy for him to descend to the depths of his bestiality, and to act 
barbarously without understanding the abhorrence of the crime he 

"There is a great problem with the cries of joy and with the cries 
that encourage the man to do this abhorrent deed, and present him 
as a hero defending family honor and society - knowing that he is 
nothing short of a criminal... There is [another] great problem 
with our insistence on continuing to drown [in this state] of 
ignorance and unconsciousness. [There is still another] great 
problem with this blind obedience to customs and traditions that 
have no connection to religion, moral values, and human [values] – 
[obedience that stems from our unwillingness] to awaken and see 
that the blood spilled [on the altar of] this 'honor' is spilled in 
vain, and that it can never wash away our weakness, our impotence, 
and our backward thinking."(9)

A Call for a "Social Death Penalty" for Honor Crimes

In her article posted on the website "Syrian Women," Nilza Khouri 
called on the enlightened members of Arab society to work to make 
others understand that murdering women for family honor must be 
absolutely rejected: "The silence in light of the 'honor crime' is 
a conspiracy, a crime, blind hatred, hidden stupidity, and 
perverted honor. Letting women be the victims of honor, in its 
pagan, empty, and lame sense... is something that we must put 
behind us!...

"All enlightened people must, together, [awaken] the sector that is 
ready to accept enlightenment. The time has come [for the 
enlightened] to make this sector understand that there must be a 
social death penalty, and a punishment of shunning and banning, for 
'honor crimes!'... and that this abandonment of soul and this 
bloodshed must, more than anything else, be removed from the 
considerations of a society on its path towards awakening!"( 10)

Educational Campaigns to Make People Realize that Murder is Not a Solution

In an article on "Syrian Women," 'Asem Jamoul called to organize 
educational campaigns to raise awareness of the problem of honor 
killings, and to help people understand that murdering women does 
not solve anything: "In all honesty, we must say that the Arab 
woman bears part of the responsibility - she always waits for 
someone to demand her rights for her, forgetting that rights are to 
be taken, not given...

"The solution lies in organizing large, intensive, and frequent 
educational campaigns; the government should also be involved [in 
organizing them], and all possible media institutions should 
cooperate. The aim is to arouse awareness among the people, and to 
teach them and cause them to arrive at the realization that murder 
does not solve the problem, but only complicates it... These 
campaigns must be organized, and garner much interest by those 
concerned. Also, a proper budget must be allocated for them..." (11)

*H. Avraham is a Research Fellow at MEMRI.

(1) "Syrian Women" (www.nesasy.com ) is an independent Syrian 
website dealing with social issues, particularly issues concerning 
discrimination against women and violence against women and 
children in Syria. Also participating in the site's campaign are 
other websites and organizations that work for society, human 
rights, women's rights, children's rights, and the like, from both 
inside and outside Syria. These include the Arab Organization for 
Human Rights in Syria, the National Organization for the 
Advancement of the Role of Women, the Democratic Youth Organization 
in Syria and the independent-leftist website Al-Hiwar Al-Mutamaddin 
(http://www.rezgar.com/debat/nr.asp ). Other participants in the 
campaign include Syrian newspapers and periodicals, such as the 
youth paper Shabablek and Al-Nour, the organ of the Syrian 
Communist Party.
(2) Article 548.1 of the Syrian Penal Code states that anyone who 
surprises his spouse, his sister or any other relative committing 
adultery or illegitimate sexual acts with another person, and 
unintentionally kills or wounds one or both of them, benefits from 
exemption from penalty. Article 548.2 states that the perpetrator 
of homicide or injury shall benefit from a reduction in penalty if 
he surprises his spouse, his sister, or some other family member in 
a compromising situation with another. (Human Rights Watch, 
http://www.hrw.org/press/2001/04/syriam-0405.htm ) Articles 239-242 
state that there will be no punishment for the crime except in 
instances set out in law.
(3) Muhammad 'Abduh (1849-1905) was an Egyptian reformist jurist 
and religious scholar and one of the founding fathers of the Salafi 
(4) Teshreen (Syria), April 2, 2006.
(5) Teshreen (Syria), March 30, 2006.
(6) Al-Thawra (Syria), March 29, 2006.
(7) http://www.nesasy.com/honorcrimes/honorcrimes.html .
(8) http://www.nesasy.com/honorcrimes/artical/honorcrimes-000.html 
, September 2005.
http://www.nesasy.com/honorcrimes/artical/honorcrimes-artical%20(162).html , 
October 18, 2005.
http://www.nesasy.com/honorcrimes/artical/honorcrimes-artical%20(210).html , 
March 11, 2006.
http://www.nesasy.com/honorcrimes/artical/honorcrimes-artical%20(197).html  , 
December 1, 2005.

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