State of the World's children 2007: women and children: the double
dividend of gender equality

Gender equality and the well-being of children go hand in hand

UNICEF / United Nations [UN] Children's Fund (UNICEF), 2006

The 2007 State of the World's Children report examines the
discrimination and disempowerment women face throughout their lives,
and outlines what must be done to eliminate gender discrimination and
empower women and girls.

It looks at the status of women today, discusses how gender equality
will move all the Millennium Development Goals forward, and shows how
investment in women�s rights will ultimately produce a double
dividend: advancing the rights of both women and children.

Key messages from the report include:

    * gender equality and the well-being of children go hand in hand
    * gender equality produces a double dividend: it benefits both
women and children
    * women's equal rights and influence in the key decisions that
shape their lives and those of children must be enhanced in three
distinct arenas: the household, the workplace and the political sphere
    * gender equality is not only morally right, it is pivotal to
human progress and sustainable development.

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