Tidak ada kejadian sesuatu di dunia ini tanpa ada hikmah yang baik dari ALLAH 

Musuh bersama antara Pakistan dan India adalah golongan2 Fundamentalis agama( 
Hindu dan Muslim)yang membuat masarakat menjadi kacau balau karena tidak ada 
---toleransi beragama---

Semoga pemimpin2 Pro Demokrasi baik islam maupun Hindu dapat bekerja sama untuk 
mengancurkan idiologi2 Fundamentalis agama dari kedua agama islam dan hindu.


Pakistan: Good ties with India to fight militancy

By ASIF SHAHZAD (AP) – 3 hours ago

ISLAMABAD — Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari said Saturday that good 
relations between his country and India were essential to fight militancy, and 
that he wants a resumption of wide-ranging talks between the two longtime 

Zardari's comments came a day after top diplomats from the two countries agreed 
to hold talks in Delhi on Feb. 25 — their first formal dialogue since the 2008 
deadly Mumbai siege.

The agreement marks a significant thawing of relations between the two 
countries. Ties have long been marred by disputes over the Himalayan territory 
of Kashmir and plummeted after the Mumbai attack, which India blamed on 
Pakistan-based militants.

The United States has been pressuring both sides to resume talks, hoping that 
reduced tensions between them will help its strategy against militants in 
Afghanistan and in Pakistan's tribal belt.

If tensions between Pakistan and India ease, it may enable Islamabad to shift 
some troops away from its border with India to fight against Taliban militants 
on the Afghan border.

A statement from Zardari's office Saturday said the president met with 
Pakistan's high commissioner to India and told him that "good neighborly 
relations were essential for the welfare of the people of both countries and 
also for fighting militancy."

Zardari said he wants wide-ranging talks known as the composite dialogue to 
resume. India put the talks on hold after the Mumbai attacks. That dialogue 
covered a broad range of issues and had been intended to lead toward a full 
normalization of relations.

Leaders of the two countries have met on the sidelines of international 
conferences since the attacks, but broad engagement with Pakistan remains a 
sensitive issue in New Delhi because of continuing suspicions that Islamabad 
has not done enough to rein in Muslim extremists operating in Pakistan.

Kashmir, a Himalayan region split between India and Pakistan and claimed by 
both, is at the heart of decades of bitterness between the two countries. They 
have fought two wars over control of the region, and insurgent groups seeking 
either independence or a merger with Pakistan have been fighting Indian rule 
there since 1989.

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