May 22, 2010 

Holy row in Kashmir over 'Jesus tomb'
By Haroon Mirani 

SRINAGAR - When a popular travel guide revived a decades-old debate by saying 
that a tomb in Indian-administered Kashmir may be the final resting place of 
Jesus Christ, the influx of foreign tourists and conspiracy theorists did not 
go down well with local Muslims - they insist the grave contains the remains of 
an ancient Sufi saint. 

Lonely Planet took pains to add a disclaimer when it described the "Jesus tomb" 
in its latest edition for India, but this didn't stop curious foreigners 
flocking to the Roza Bal Shrine in downtown Srinagar, Indian-administered 
Kashmir's summer capital. Muslim youths responded by roughing up their tour 

The tomb's caretakers say it has two graves, both containing Muslim saints. The 
most recent, Syed Naseerudin, was a Medieval saint whose life is fairly well 
documented - it's the grave's earlier inhabitant that has drawn all the 

Yuz Asaf was reportedly a charismatic preacher who arrived in Kashmir from 
Israel with his mother, Mary, in 30AD. In Kashmiri his name means "the healer" 
or "the shepherd, the one who teaches others". His nickname, "Issa", is the 
local name for Jesus Christ. 

The idea that Jesus survived the crucifixion and traveled to Kashmir with his 
mother or wife has been around for over a 100 years, and popular novels like 
Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code have renewed public interest in alternative 
versions of Biblical history. 

"The tomb's history was recorded from 112 AD, much earlier than the advent of 
Islam and around the same time Jesus Christ lived," said Suzanne Olsson, the 
New York-based researcher and author of Jesus in India, The Lost Tomb. "There 
is no question of the tomb containing any Muslim saint." 

But both Christians and Muslims dismiss the idea as blasphemy. Both religions 
say Jesus Christ was taken by God into heaven, while some Islamic and Christian 
sects say there will be a "second coming" of Jesus Christ. 

"Yuz Asaf and Syed Naseerudin are buried here and both are Muslims," Mohammed 
Amin Ringshawl, the caretaker of the small tomb, which is surrounded by a 
nondescript, one-storey shrine, told Asia Times Online. 

Louis Jacolliot, a French barrister, colonial judge, author and lecturer is 
credited with first propounding the theory that Jesus spent time in India. His 
book, La Bible dans l'Inde, ou la Vie de Iezeus Christna (The Bible in India or 
The life of Iezeus Christna), was first published in 1869. 

There is no record of Christ's life between the ages 12 to 30 in the New 
Testament, and researchers have been trying to piece together the era known as 
"the missing years" for centuries. 

In 1890, Russian author Nicolas Notovitch published The Unknown Life of Jesus 
Christ, which referred to Buddhist scrolls found in a monastery in the Ladakh 
region of Indian-administered Kashmir. The scrolls, according to Notovitch, 
described Jesus as coming to India and living and studying Buddhism there in 
the "missing years". 

The controversial Ahmadiyya sect, which believes that Jesus was a mortal who 
died a natural death in India, has released numerous books on the theory. Most 
famous is Jesus in Heaven on Earth, written by Khawaja Nazir Ahmad in 1952. 

Aziz Kashmiri, a local journalist, co-wrote a book in 1973 with professor Fida 
Hassnain that claimed Jesus died in Kashmir at the ripe old age of 120. 
Hassnain, a former director of Archives, Archaeology, Research and Museums for 
Jammu and Kashmir, also co-authored a book with Olsson entitled Roza Bal, 
Beyond the Da Vinci Code. 

Alongside the dozens of factual books published on the matter, the heavily 
researched thriller The Rozabal Line, by Ashwin Sanghi was published in 2007. 

Authors who claim Christ is entombed in Roza Bal say the evidence is 

"At Roza Bal tomb the sarcophagus is laid in an east-west direction, in line 
with Jewish traditions, rather than the Muslim tradition of north-south," said 
Olsson. The researcher added that the sarcophagus in Roza Bal was covered with 
a gravestone laid in a north-south direction to give it a Muslim identity. 

At the shrine, the footprints of Yuz Asaf are carved into stone, showing some 
peculiar injuries. "These can only have been caused only when a nail is pierced 
through the feet laid one over the other during crucifixion," said Olsson, 
adding, "There is no history of crucifixion in Asia." A recent documentary by 
the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) on the subject used computer 
graphics to recreate the wounds. 

Professor Hassnain claims Jesus chose Kashmir as his destination because 
Kashmiris and Afghans originate from the "10 missing tribes of Israel". He says 
the people settled in the new countries after being driven out of Israel by the 
Assyrians in around 720 BC. "Jesus had come to preach among his own people," 
according to Hassnain. 

Many tribes in Kashmir call themselves "Bani Israel" (children of Israel). 
Local tour operators say Jesus passed through the famous tourist spot Yus-Marg 
(Meadow of Jesus), a beautiful valley, during his journey into Kashmir. 

"On his way [to Kashmir] the mother Mary passed away in [what is now] Pakistan 
and a shrine was built there at present-day Murree [derived from Mary]," said 
Olsson. She says the connection between Kashmir and Jewish traditions is 
strengthened by the presence of graves of the Prophet Moses and his brother 
Aaron at Bandipora and Harwan in Kashmir. 

"The grave of Moses is also in the Jewish tradition of east-west. There are 
many more similarities between Kashmiris and the Middle East socially and 
culturally," said Olsson. 

A former caretaker of the Roza Bal shrine, the late Basharat Saleem, claimed to 
possess a family chart that proved he was a direct descendant of Yuz Asaf. The 
word Roza Bal is derived from the Kashmir term Rauza-Bal, meaning "tomb of the 

Olsson say she hopes DNA testing would yield a major breakthrough in her 
theory. Olsson, who claims to be the 59th descendant of Jesus Christ, plans to 
return to Kashmir soon to obtain permission from the authorities to conduct a 
DNA test at the Roza Bal shrine. Given the shrine's sensitive nature, this is 
highly unlikely. 

Locals vehemently oppose the testing, saying it would be a desecration of the 
shrine. Olsson's DNA project is not just limited to Roza Bal, she is working on 
other related graves, particularly at Murree, where she reportedly enjoys the 
government's support. 

"The Islamic republic of Pakistan has been most cooperative," said Olsson. 
"Famous Pakistani archaeologist, the late Dr Ahmad Dani, was the lead 
archaeologist for this project." 

She said a Pakistan television channel's offices had been built above the site, 
making the exact grave site difficult to find. "We could be able to locate it 
with ground-penetrating radar, but we will need the help of the army," said 
Olsson. She added that another major challenge was finding the US$40,000 needed 
to fund the DNA tests, which are to be carried out at Oxford University in 

Olsson said the Roza Bal test would be part of a large, ambitious project 
called "The DNA of God", which would study seven grave sites in Pakistan, 
Kashmir and Tibet. 

If the project ever does make it to Kashmir, it is likely to have a heated 
reception. "These crazy researchers and some Ahmadiyya sect academicians are 
just spreading lies by saying that Yuz Asaf in reality is Jesus Christ, which 
we are not going to tolerate," said a youth who lives near the shrine. 

Sitting on an uneasy calm after a 20-year-long anti-India insurgency, the Jammu 
and Kashmir government is also unlikely to sanction anything that could spark 
religious violence. And the tomb's caretaker, Ringshawl, told Reuters in late 
April that the shrine was now officially closed after Olsson allegedly tried to 
break in to carry out a DNA test. 

"The foreigners are hurting Muslim sentiments, so to avoid any trouble we have 
locked the sanctum sanatorium," he said. 

Haroon Mirani is a Kashmir-based journalist 

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