



*Will the real government of RI please stand up! *

*Kissing ritual gives porn bill the kiss-off *

*Political Porn: Autonomy means repression against women *


*Will the real government of RI please stand up!*

*B. Herry-Priyono*, Jakarta

Imagine you were a newcomer to Indonesia. Like any new arrival in a new 
place, the first few weeks may be filled with excitement about newly 
found experiences. Then the reality principle sets in, and these days 
you probably would observe a brouhaha caused by fierce fights over a 
bill on pornography. Back home, such a bill may be a matter of fact, for 
it is simply common sense that the sales of pornographic materials must 
be regulated. So, why such a fuss?

This is a land of the extremes. Many aspects of public life in Indonesia 
have recently been pounded by a wave of extremism. The need for a strong 
government has been turned into authoritarianism, the expansion of a 
market economy has been taken as a license for market fundamentalism, 
and the clamor for civil society has been twisted into communal 
tribalism. The controversy over the porn bill is part of the story, not 
of authoritarianism and market fundamentalism, but of communal tribalism.

As many observers have correctly noted, the bill has nothing to do with 
the regulation of pornography. My colleague at the Driyarkara School of 
Philosophy, Franz Magnis-Suseno, has offered an acid test. If indeed the 
bill has something to do with that noble effort, it must be able to 
distinguish between "pornography", "sensuality" and "eroticism". Nay, 
the bill has failed the test, and failed miserably (/The Jakarta Post/, 
March 10, 2006). What is the bill about then?

It is here that opinions differ. Not a few accounts seem to have 
understood the issue as rooted in the problem of state authoritarianism, 
and the porn bill is simply another case of the stubbornly authoritarian 
state that refuses to die out. In the process of firming up its grip, 
the state is trying, yet again, to encroach on the private lives of 
citizens in matters of how to dress and present their bodies or parts of 
their bodies in public. In this view, the struggle is directed against 
the draconian tendency of the state, and the banners are littered with 
"state terrorism" jargons.

Of course, a struggle against the porn bill has to start from somewhere. 
And if the starting point is a resistance against state 
authoritarianism, so be it. But as the causal factors begin to show up 
more plainly, it is somewhat clear that calling the porn bill a form of 
state authoritarianism is like barking up the wrong tree.

Let us start with a simple question: who is the state? The state does 
not and cannot act! It is the people within the state institutions who 
act. To say that "the state encroaches on the private lives of the 
citizens" is simply shorthand for saying that "policy makers within the 
state institutions" do so. But who are these policy makers? Are they 
people from the executive, legislative or judiciary bodies? In all 
likelihood, there is not even a uniform voice; not within the 
legislative, the executive or judiciary branches.

In many respects, branding the porn bill state terrorism is like calling 
an empty room a terrorist. The state is an arena, quite like a boxing 
ring. As much as the boxing is conducted by the boxers, and not by the 
arena, so is the porn bill devised not by the state, but by the people 
within the state institutions. These people may assemble in one, two, 
three or many political parties, or they could assemble as an alliance 
of diverse interests. In any case, it is against this specific alliance, 
and not against the state as an impersonal institution, that the 
struggle should be waged.

No doubt the task of identifying the political alliance that 
thoughtlessly advances the porn bill is wrought with dangers. Very often 
the truth in politics can be gauged not from what appears, but from a 
hypothetical image that has plausibility in the visceral world. So, let 
us imagine that for sometime I have been running a political party in a 
country called Megalomania, whose population suffers so much from 
miseria (misery). In the process of winning the support of grassroots 
citizens, I could not but base the platform of my party on a 
compassionate ideology.

But of course, motive plays a quite outrageous part in politics. It is 
only me and my trusted lieutenants who know exactly that the time has 
arrived for the party to launch a more specific agenda, that is, to 
conquer the land of Megalomania with a rule based on what is written in 
the Holy Book that I and my lieutenants believe. Other people may call 
it theocracy or religious bigotry, but let them go to hell, for I and my 
lieutenants call it a purified way of practicing religion.

After the tireless work done by my followers at the grassroots level, 
there seems to be enough support for a showdown. For sometime I have 
observed that the pages and screens of the media in the Republic of 
Megalomania have been crowded out by a certain orgy of carnal knowledge, 
which may be part of the application of market fundamentalism in the 
media industry. This orgy of carnal knowledge is strictly outlawed by 
the sacred texts of my Holy Books. For some time my supporters have 
infiltrated several religious groups that will back my cause.

In a series of concerted moves, I command my supporters to start 
working, and those in the legislature with a specific mission of pushing 
the anti-pornography bill. Of course there will be strong resistance. 
But I have asked my followers to re-direct and turn it into anti-state 
protests. This country has a vivid image of authoritarianism, and it is 
good that the minds of those activists and intellectuals remain stuck to 
this anti-state authoritarianism way of thinking and talking.

The louder they yell "state terrorism" slogans for the bill I have 
masterminded, the better. My lieutenants and I will be able to hide 
safely then.

As for the President, why on earth is he so quiet? I hope he is aware 
that when the porn bill is called "state terrorism", it is his 
government that is accused of being a terrorist. Will the real 
government please stand up, and help to grill the porn bill?

/The writer is a postgraduate lecturer at the Driyarkara School of 
Philosophy, Jakarta./

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