Apr 16, 2008 

In Indonesia, a morality crusade misplaced
By Andre Vltchek 

Here it goes again. Elderly men with husky, over-smoked voices from Indonesia's 
House of Representatives - a group synonymous with corruption and laziness - 
droning on about morality and about "how to protect the nation" from the ills 
of pornography. 

This time, they have succeeded. While the nation was off guard, distracted by 
soaring food prices, a collapsing road system and general hopelessness, the 
House of Representatives on March 25 passed a bill banning all pornographic 
websites, threatening to jail users and providers who will now face up to three 
years in prison or a substantial fine. To be sure, Indonesia is still "softer" 
than Saudi Arabia, but the new bill is as tough or even tougher than 
anti-pornography laws in many other Muslim countries. What are the nation's 

Once again, the state's enormous apparatus of surveillance can be put to good 
use. Those in the security apparatus who feared losing their jobs after the 
fascist dictator Suharto stepped down almost a decade ago, can breath a sigh of 
relief. Millions of men, women and children who were spying on their neighbors, 
denouncing them for being "Chinese" or "communists" or "atheists", or whatever, 
will now be able to return to their old routine. There is a new challenge, a 
new enemy that Indonesia has to fight and defeat - pornography. 

Costs for implementation of the new bill could involve the services of 
thousands of computer experts to work on the "project". 

As representatives were introducing the bill, the streets of Jakarta were 
clogged with traffic. The rainy season battered almost all transit arteries and 
there seemed to be no hurry to fix them. The daily one-way commute for 
substantial numbers of city dwellers increased to two or more hours a day. At 
dark intersections, street children beg, some offering themselves to exhausted 
motorists. Women carrying infants stand begging next to the exhaust pipes of 
the cars. These were either their own babies - tranquilized by drugs - or 
so-called "rent-a-baby" unfortunates. Police stood by idle, puffing cigarettes. 

Indonesia has one of the worst records of child trafficking in the world. 
Although there is no exact data, it is understood that the country also has one 
of the very worst records of child abandonment in the world. 

So many urgent problems. But for the establishment, fighting pornography seems 
to be a higher priority. 

To put things in perspective, Indonesia is rapidly slipping into a mode of 
religious intolerance. Several parts of the country have introduced Islamic 
sharia laws banning unaccompanied women from leaving the house after sunset. 
Muslim women are ordered to wear headscarves. These laws are essentially 
unconstitutional, but the government has no appetite to challenge them. These 
by-laws are rarely enforced (except in Aceh and in some parts of Java), but 
their very existence is enough to send chills down the spine of many moderate 

Many more girls are now forced to wear headscarves, some as young as two or 
three years old. An unusual sight more than a decade ago, fully covered little 
girls are now a common sight in some Jakarta neighborhoods as well as in many 
rural areas of Java. 

The Islamic Defender's Front (IDF) and other radical Islamic groups have won 
their "struggle" to assure that there are almost no bars left in Yogyakarta or 
Jakarta, except in hotels and other enclosed compounds. While the IDF members 
were plundering drinking establishments, police stood by and watched, 
sympathetic or simply unwilling to intervene. There are calls to make all food 
"halal". Now even most of the five-star hotels in the city don't serve pork, 
despite the fact that officially 10% to 15% of Indonesians are not Muslims. 

While in the Middle East and North Africa mosques broadcast only short and 
often artistic calls for prayer, Jakarta mosques blast entire prayers through 
loudspeakers. This "educational" process lasts five hours a day or more, making 
sure that infidels know who is in charge in this once-secular nation. While 
churches go up in flames periodically, atheism is banned, as are "deviant" 
Muslim sects. 

The ban on pornographic websites is, therefore, a logical step in the sad 
development of this increasingly fundamentalist nation. 

"Some obscene material is so abhorrent and inexcusable; child pornography is 
criminal, and the sex industry can be exploitative of women," wrote Meidyatama 
Suryodiningrat, staff writer of The Jakarta Post. "However, a blanket 
prohibition on the possession of Internet porn, as implied by the new law on 
electronic information and transaction, could be the grave beginnings of an 
Orwellian nightmare in censoring technology's diffusion of content. As 
legislators moralize about making 'red-light' websites inaccessible in the 
virtual world, red-light districts and gambling dens are readily available in 
the real world. The state must protect people's safety, not their fragile 
sensibilities ..." Yet forthright criticism of this kind is rare. 

Porn in today's Indonesia is "unique" and often bizarre. And it doesn't always 
fall into stereotypes of "exploitation of women". The most popular sites are 
free - those that carry clips (many recorded on mobile phones) - sent by 
couples themselves. 

Indonesia was "shocked" and entertained by one of the sex clips recorded by 
"deeply religious" dangdut pop music singer Eva Maria and Yahya Zaini, the 
influential and also "deeply religious" politician from the right-wing Golkar 
Party (the ruling party during Suharto's dictatorship). As one Indonesian 
blogger suggests: "A video recording has been circulating which purports to 
show a member of parliament from the Golkar party, with the initials YZ, and a 
lady dangdut singer, with the initials ME, in a hotel room, frolicking about in 
a fashion thought of by many only permissible within the bounds of holy 

Professor Ir Mohammad Nuh, the minister of communication and information, told 
Indonesian media group Kompas that the bill was necessary at a time when 
Indonesia seeks to double Internet access among high school students. 

Some critics of the new bill suggest that it is trying to make illegal exactly 
these sorts of embarrassing "leaks" that keep discrediting Indonesian elites. 

But Indonesia is the country where one has to read between the lines, as the 
establishment is never clear about what precisely it is trying to achieve. The 
new legislation, the Electronic Information and Transactions Law, is not only 
censoring pornography. Under the law, anyone found guilty of transmitting 
pornographic material, false news or racial and religious hate messages on the 
Internet could face up to six years in prison or a fine of 1 billion rupiah 
(approximately US$109,000). 

While everyone was discussing pornography, legislators quietly passed the bill, 
which will allow the state to control the flow of information and persecute any 
writer, filmmaker or journalist. "False news?" What is false news? In the 
Indonesian context, based on the country's tradition, "false" will be any news 
that is disliked by the establishment. 

Don't expect a law that prohibits "racial and religious hate messages" to 
protect minorities from racial abuse and religious discrimination. In 
Indonesia, after all, minorities have been and are being slaughtered and 
oppressed at a rate that has few counterparts elsewhere. In East Timor, more 
than a quarter of the population was killed by Indonesian forces in the quarter 
century after 1975, and in Papua an estimated 1 to 3 million people, mostly 
non-Muslims and non-Javanese, died after the 1965 coup that brought Suharto to 
power, to give just two examples. Most likely, if the country's track record is 
a guide, "prohibition of racial and religious hate messages" will be 
interpreted as a ban on criticism of the ruling religion and the Javanese 

The first signs of a crackdown have already begun: on the Internet. According 
to Agence France Presse (AFP), Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono 
has banned screenings of the controversial film Fitnah critical of Islam, 
barring its filmmaker - Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders - from entering Indonesia. 
With the film drawing criticism throughout the world, Jakarta has blocked 
access to YouTube, MySpace and other websites showing clips of the film. The 
move came after the communications minister last week wrote to the file-sharing 
site, YouTube, asking it to remove the 17-minute film, Fitnah. 

"We apologize. We have for the time being blocked sites and blogs which carry 
Fitnah, at the request of the minister for communication and IT," Internet 
provider Speedy said on its website. Speedy said it had stopped users from 
accessing eight different sites, including blogs that carried the film. Another 
provider, Radnet, told users it was "temporarily closing access" to YouTube and 
MySpace, a popular social networking site, at the minister's request, reported 

This could be just the beginning. Films showing Indonesian atrocities in East 
Timor and Papua are already banned. Criticizing government officials directly, 
naming corrupt officials and tycoons (except those who fell from grace and were 
indicted by the government itself), investigating human rights violations by 
the Indonesian military - all this is taboo. Now the government has a powerful 
new tool to isolate even further the Indonesian archipelago and curb potential 

Exhausted from deepening social problems, Indonesians seem to have no strength 
or zeal to protest. There were only a few sporadic sparks of "resistance" to 
the bill. A group of hackers took over an Indonesian government website for 
several hours to protest against the new ban, the Information Ministry said. 
According to AFP, "The protesters posted a message on the Ministry of 
Information website challenging it to 'prove that the law was not drafted to 
cover the government's stupidity'." 

One amateur sex site, "E-bopek", described the present government as an 
"Indonesian Taliban regime". 

At the same time, the Indonesian court acquitted the late former president 
Suharto (post-mortem) in a civil corruption case, while ordering his charitable 
foundation to repay more than $100 million to the state. The United Nations and 
World Bank claim that Suharto and his family have stolen tens of billions of 
dollars from a nation in which more than half of the citizens live in dire 

Of course the fight against corruption has stalled. It is too much to expect 
Indonesian Representatives to fight against graft, considering that many, if 
not most, possibly amassed their own fortunes illegally. It is easier to attack 
images of lovemaking or sex than powerful people who are robbing the poorest of 
the poor. 

Just a few days before the bill was passed, I drove through the crowded and 
depressing streets of Jakarta. Howling sirens pushed me to the curb. Several 
escort vehicles and motorbikes drove by, protecting a brand new Porsche Cayenne 
4WD. It was a vehicle of a legislator, a man who should be saving for a Honda 
Civic on his official salary. A few feet away, street children were playing 
barefoot in the gutter, one of them showing clear signs of malnutrition. 

While the government is fighting Internet porn, tens of millions of Indonesian 
women are forced by poverty and hopelessness into the countless brothels in 
Surabaya, Batam and Jakarta. Millions of women who are raped or get pregnant 
out of wedlock are abandoning their infants and children, some of whom are left 
in the garbage bins or on the street. Country girls go or are sent by their 
families as "maids" into sexual slavery in Saudi Arabia and elsewhere in the 
Middle East. As they leave Indonesia, they wear headscarves, so the state need 
not worry about their fate. 

Some would call it hypocrisy. The Indonesian establishment calls it the fight 
against immorality. 

Andre Vltchek - novelist, journalist, filmmaker and playwright - is a Japan 
Focus associate. His recent novel Point of No Return shows the New Order 
through the eyes of a war correspondent. He lives and works in Asia and the 
South Pacific and can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

(Republished with permission from Japan Focus

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