October 19, 2009 
Ulma Haryanto

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and the Vice President elect Boediono, both 
left, interview the current Minister of Trade Mari Elka Pangestu for a 
ministerial position in Yudhoyono's next cabinet. (Reuters Photo)

Incoming Indonesian Cabinet Criticized Before It is Announced

The president's new cabinet is drawing brickbats from some observers even 
before it has been named. 

Arbi Sanit, a political expert from the University of Indonesia, said many of 
the names being mentioned did not have the backgrounds their positions 

Other say the president is on the right track. "Look, he has an overwhelming 
mandate from the electorate. He needs to be given a chance," said a leading 
industrialist who declined to be named. 

Sri Mulyani Indrawati, who is being labeled by investors and business leaders 
as Yudhoyono's best choice, is expected to retain her position overseeing 

So far the economic team is a bright spot, with current macroeconomic policies 
expected to continue. 

Trade Minister Mari Pangestu is expected to retain her current post. MS 
Hidayat, the chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry 
(Kadin), is thought to be taking over the Ministry of Industry. 

The country's recent combination of political and economic stability has 
encouraged investors at a time when neighboring countries such as Malaysia and 
Thailand have taken a beating during the global economic crisis. 

Indonesia's economic performance has been cited as one key reason for the 
strong showing by Yudhoyono's Democrat Party in April legislative elections, 
which paved the way for his victory in the July presidential poll. 

Meanwhile, the stock market is up more than 80 percent this year and the rupiah 
is up 18 percent against the dollar. It is one of the Asia's best-performing 

However, those facts have not stopped some observers from saying the president 
may be at risk of relying too heavily on political appointees in his new 

"Why would [Yudhoyono] put the rest of his presidential term in the hands of a 
bunch of politicians when he's already got the support from the majority of the 
people?" Arbi asked. 

"Strategic or important positions should be appointed to professionals instead 
of politicians." 

He also labelled the cabinet as too "fat," saying 34 ministers was excessive. 

"A fat cabinet is inefficient. It is costly, slow during decision-making and 
has a low output," Arbi said. 

He said Yudhoyono was trying to accommodate the interests of as many political 
parties as possible. 

Lili Romli, a political expert from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences 
(LIPI), also worried that Yudhoyono was pandering to the interests of the 
political parties to facilitate "power sharing" and that some of the likely 
appointments were out of place. 

Andrinof Chaniago, a political observer from the University of Indonesia, said 
the cabinet was likely to be filled with political appointees who may not have 
the appropriate track records and experience. 

"Some of them are former legislators who were not re-elected and became SBY 
supporters, hoping for seats in the cabinet." 

The most high profile of candidates in this category is Agung Laksono, the 
former speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR), who was voted out of 
office but is tipped to become coordinating minister of people's welfare, 
replacing Aburizal Bakrie, the new chairman of Golkar.

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