Friday, September 18, 2009 
23:02 Mecca time, 20:02 GMT

Indonesia: Terrorist threat remains 

            Indonesia police say Noordin was killed in a raid on a Java house 
on Thursday [AFP] 

Indonesia's president has said that despite the killing one of Southeast Asia's 
most wanted men, others are still plotting attacks.

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono praised his counterterrorism forces for Thursday's 
killing of Noordin Mohammed Top, the suspected mastermind of suicide attacks on 
two luxury hotels in the Indonesian capital in July.

With Noordin's death, he said, "I believe that we could reduce the seriousness 
of terrorist threat to Indonesia".

Yudhoyono made the comments just hours after Noordin was killed in a raid on a 
house in Java.

He said "it doesn't mean that the cells and organisations that work and move in 
Indonesia and in Southeast Asia have been crippled".

'Terrorism temptation'

Yudhoyono said that in the future "we have to save our country, our people, our 
community and our young generation from the temptation to involve themselves in 
terrorism and save everything from terrorism".

Kevin Rudd, the Australian prime minister, congratulated Indonesian security 
forces for their "success" but echoed Yudhoyono's warning.

      In depth 

       Who is Noordin Mohammed Top?
       Indonesia bombings
       Indonesia's war on Jemaah Islamiyah
       Witness to Jakarta bombing
       Jakarta blast caught on tape
       Indonesia's young people under threat
"It doesn't leave us in a position where we can feel complacent about the 
future. Jemaah Islamiyah is still alive and well. Al-Qaeda is still alive and 
well," he told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation on Friday.

Yudhoyono said nations across the world needed to address injustice to 
eliminate acts of terror.

"There is a perception, a feeling; that the world looks unfair, that the rich 
are getting richer and the poor are getting poor ... the wars in the Middle 
East, in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine and many other global problems are seen 
as a result of global injustice," the Jakarta Post quoted him as saying.

Pointing to poverty and underdevelopment along with radical and extremist 
beliefs as root issues, Yudhoyono said "the solution is we have to build a 
just, peaceful and prosperous world".

John Harrison, an expert on terrorism at the Institute of Defence and Strategic 
Studies in Singapore, told Al Jazeera that it may not be so easy to replace 
Noordin because "there are very few individuals that combine the charisma, the 
organisational abilities plus the connections that he had".

But he cautioned that Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), the group Noordin was linked to, 
is "always able to replace individuals".

'Strategic discussion'

Harrison explained that JI had been relatively quiet in the past few years 
partly because of reduced capacity due to many members being killed or 
arrested, and because it was "in a strategic discussion to determine whether or 
not they can use violence and . how to do it without killing large numbers of 

      In video 

But he cautioned that "JI should not be underestimated - they are a militant 
group that wants to use violence.

"Until the ideology that is fusing and infusing this movement is addressed more 
comprehensively, they will be able to replace their losses that will happen 
from time to time.

"Many young males ... have been very angry, they've been frustrated, there have 
been a whole series of reasons that they have decided to be attracted to and 
perhaps engage in violent activity.

"And until the political aspects of that, that bring together these frustrated 
individuals, give them a reason for committing violence, and a justification 
for that, is addressed, we will continue to face these waves of violence and 
sometimes very extreme violence for years to come.

"There needs to be a much more comprehensive strategy for addressing those 
types of issues."

Matching fingerprints

Indonesia's national police chief said fingerprints taken from one of four 
bodies removed from the house following the raid matched those of Noordin's.

The bodies were flown to Jakarta for autopsies and DNA tests.

      Police said fingerprints taken from one of the bodies on Thursday matched 
Noordin's [EPA] 
Counterterrorism troops sealed off the area near the house in a suburb of Solo 
city late on Wednesday, searching for suspects involved in the July 17 attacks 
on the Ritz-Carlton and JW Marriott hotels in Jakarta which left nine people 
dead and 53 wounded. 
Documents and laptop computers indicating that Noordin was al-Qaeda's leader in 
Southeast Asia and hundreds of kilograms of explosives, M-16 assault rifles, 
grenades and bombs were recovered from the house, police said.

Noordin is believed to have headed a splinter group with connections to Jemaah 
Islamiyah, a group fighting for an Islamic state in Southeast Asia.

In a 2005 video, he claimed to be al-Qaeda's representative in Southeast Asia 
and to be carrying out attacks on Western civilians to avenge Muslim deaths in 

He was also wanted in connection with the Bali bombings in 2002, which killed 
more than 200 people, and a number of other deadly attacks.

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