Feb 25, 2010 

Iran gets its man
By Syed Saleem Shahzad 

ISLAMABAD - Iran on Tuesday triumphed in the arrest of Abdulmalik Rigi, the 
31-year-old leader of Jundallah (Soldiers of God), a Sunni insurgent group 
accused by Tehran of undertaking a string of terror attacks in the country that 
have claimed scores of lives over the past few years. 

Intelligence Minister Heydar Moslehi described the capture of its most wanted 
fugitive as a "great defeat" for the United States, Britain and Israel, which 
it has accused of supporting the group. "We have clear documents proving that 
Rigi was in cooperation with American, Israeli and British intelligence 
services," Moslehi was reported as saying. 

However, while the capture of Rigi is a significant event, Jundallah, which has 
strong roots among ethnic Balochis in Pakistan, could emerge even stronger from 
this apparent setback as radical anti-Shi'ite members of Jundallah now linked 
to al-Qaeda are positioned to carry on without him. 

Jundallah carries out its operations against the Iranian Shi'ite regime mostly 
in Iran's southeastern province of Sistan-Balochistan, where the borders of 
Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan meet, but its main base is in Pakistan's 
Balochistan province. Jundallah has claimed it does not seek to break away from 
Iran to form a separate Balochistan autonomous region; rather, it says it is 
fighting on behalf of the Baloch population against discrimination and neglect. 

Jundallah was expected to launch a new series of attacks against Iran this 
year. Security officials in Pakistan say that Pakistani intelligence played a 
substantial role in the arrest of Rigi, described as "a Baloch rebel turned 
al-Qaeda ally". It is possible that Pakistan feared Jundallah might attack 
energy installations in Iran. This would have affected a much-delayed but 
important Pakistan-Iran pipeline project. 

The circumstances surrounding Rigi's arrest are unclear. Iranian officials 
claim he was flying in a small plane from Pakistan to Dubai in the United Arab 
Emirates when Iranian authorities forced the plane to land in Iran. Baloch 
tribes in the Taftan area of Balochistan in Pakistan say Rigi was arrested 
inside Pakistan and then handed over to the Iranians. All that Iranian state 
television showed was a handcuffed Rigi being escorted by four masked commandos 
off a small aircraft. 

Whatever the true story, the fact is that Pakistan appears to have abandoned 
one of its strategic assets against Iran. This follows closely on the arrest in 
Pakistan of several such assets among the Afghan Taliban. 

Militants change course 
When Islamabad signed onto the US's "war on terror" after September 11, 2001, 
the fortunes of one of the most active and successful intelligence agencies in 
the region - Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) - were dramatically 

Before 9/11, the ISI orchestrated the insurgency in Indian-administered Kashmir 
that was bleeding India, in addition to backing the powerful D-Company 
organized crime syndicate of Dawood Ibrahim in Mumbai. The royalist regime of 
Nepal turned a blind eye to the ISI's activities in that country, while the ISI 
and Bangladeshi intelligence cooperated to support southern Indian insurgencies 
and the network of the Harkatul Jihad-e-Islami (HUJI), a radical Muslim group. 
And by supporting the Taliban regime in Kabul, Afghanistan was virtually 
Pakistan's fifth province, in effect run by an ISI brigadier. 

With this network, the ISI was able to control proxy operations throughout 
Central Asian and against Iran. One of these networks was Rigi's Baloch 
Liberation Organization. 

The US-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 that ousted the Taliban and 
subsequent US pressure on Pakistan forced the military and the ISI to 
significantly scale back their proxy operations. There was, though, a backlash. 

The shunned ISI-sponsored militant outfits became more radical and they shifted 
their allegiance from the Pakistani establishment to al-Qaeda. The HUJI, for 
instance, began attacking Pakistani security forces. It remained active in 
India, although the aim was not to bleed India but to spark a war between India 
and Pakistan to neutralize Pakistan's support for the US's war in Afghanistan. 

Rigi faced a similar situation. He was disconnected from Pakistan's military 
establishment and his funding dried up. His response was to form Jundallah with 
the support of Pakistani anti-Shi'ite organizations, such as the 
Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, which provided recruits and money. 

These links in turn led Rigi to al-Qaeda, which also provided him money and 
resources, allowing him to stage significant attacks in Iran last year. These 
included a bombing in Pisheen, southeast Iran, which killed 42 people, 
including five Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps commanders. 

In return, al-Qaeda received Rigi's help in moving its men back and forth from 
Pakistan through Iran to the Middle Easter and Turkey. 

With the infusion from other militant groups and al-Qaeda, Jundallah's 
membership is believed to have grown to about 2,000 activists, most of whom are 
based in Balochistan in Pakistan. Lashkar-e-Jhangvi members of Baloch origin 
mostly come from Karachi's Lyari slum. 

Jundallah's top echelons are already dominated by the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, whose 
network spreads across Pakistan. With Rigi's arrest, the group's influence is 
likely to get even stronger, especially among members with ties to al-Qaeda. 

This could see its headquarters move to Pakistan's North Waziristan tribal 
area, with Jundallah evolving from an ISI proxy into an ideologically motivated 
organization with a long reach. 

Syed Saleem Shahzad is Asia Times Online's Pakistan Bureau Chief. He can be 
reached at

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