Friday 13 November 2009 (26 Dhul Qa`dah 1430)

      Israeli terrorist indicted
      Mohammed Mar'i | Arab News
      RAMALLAH: The Jerusalem District Court on Thursday indicted a Jew in two 
cases of pre-meditated murder, three cases of attempted murder, carrying a 
weapon, manufacturing a weapon, and incitement to violence.

      Israeli Radio said that the indictment included 14 charges against 
37-year-old Yaakov Teitel.

      Teitel, who is living in the West Bank settlement of Shvut Rachel, to the 
north of Ramallah, allegedly carried out a slew of terrorist attacks against 
Palestinians, left-wing Israelis, and members of the gay and lesbian community. 
The radio quoted Teitel as saying upon arriving at the court: "It was a 
pleasure and honor to serve my God. God is proud of what I have done. I have no 

      The Israeli police and intelligence agency Shin Bet believe that, in the 
arrest of Teitel, they successfully cracked the murder case of two Palestinians 
in 1997, the planting of a bomb that exploded, wounding leftist Israeli Prof. 
Zeev Sternhell, and the case of the explosive gift that wounded a teen from the 
Ariel settlement in March 2008. Teitel was indicted in a third case of 
attempted murder when he allegedly laid an explosive device next to a 
Palestinian home near the West Bank settlement of Eli. The bomb ultimately did 
not detonate. According to the indictment, Teitel decided while still a 
resident of the US to target Palestinians to avenge terrorist attacks against 
Israel. Teitel purchased a plane ticket to Israel under the pretext that he 
wished to examine the possibility of immigrating to Israel to live here 
permanently. In June 1997, he arrived at Nablus Gate in Jerusalem and got into 
the taxi of Samir Balbeesi. After confirming that the driver was Arab, he shot 
and killed Balbeesi in the head at point blank. Months later, he planned to 
murder a Palestinian shepherd near the settlement of Sussia. At some point, 
Teitel noticed sheep grazing near the side of the road. He stopped his car, got 
out of the car with a gun in his bag assuming that the shepherd was close by. 
Teitel quickly identified that shepherds were children and decided not to harm 
them. A few minutes later, he noticed Issa Jabbarin walking north to the 
village of Carmel. Teitel asked Issa for directions to Jerusalem. The 
Palestinian, who did not understand, bent down to the car window in order to 
hear him. Teitel then fired two shots from short range that fatally hit Issa in 
the chest. A few days later, Teitel returned to the US.

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