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Kalla: Golkar to continue Soeharto's ideals
The Jakarta Post   |  Sat, 04/04/2009 9:27 PM  |  National 

Yellow Padang: Golkar Party chairman Jusuf Kalla speaks to thousands of party 
supporters at Imam Bonjol square in Padang, West Sumatra, on Sunday. 

Golkar Party Chairman Jusuf Kalla said his party would continue to strive 
towards the realization of the goals of the party's founders, as well those of 
the late Soeharto, to developing the country.

"The Golkar Party will continue the ideals of its founders including the late 
Soeharto so that the country will progress," he said at a campaign rally in 
Sukoharjo, Central Java, state news agency Antara has reported.

This was the first time Kalla, who is also the vice president, mentioned the 
name of the former Indonesian president in campaigning.

The thousands of people attending the rally applauded upon hearing Soeharto's 
name mentioned.

On the occasion Kalla assured that if Golkar wins the majority of votes in the 
election it would meet all the needs of the people including for roads, basic 
necessaries and free education.

"Golkar always wants to improve the welfare of the nation," he said.

He said Indonesia must be more advanced in the future, meaning that all its 
people's needs could be met. "With Golkar, Indonesia certainly will be better," 
he said in his campaign speech.

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