Little Saddam?

By Tariq Alhomayed

Iran is strange; its animosity towards regional states does not stop at a 
certain point. A few days ago the Iranian President attacked Saudi Arabia and 
today media bodies affiliated to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards are attacking 
Yemen and President Ali Abdullah Saleh in particular, describing him as 'Little 
Saddam.' Is this a passing media campaign or does it reveal Iran's real 
intentions in our region, towards Saudi Arabia and Yemen in particular? 

It is clear that the Iranian attack on Yemen and its president is more than 
just abuse in the media and goes further than an attempt to defend the Huthis; 
the Iranian repetition of the expression 'little Saddam' in reference to the 
Yemeni President is evidence of the amount of animosity Iran harbors towards 
Yemen as a state. Moreover, it considers Yemen's unity an obstacle to expanding 
on Saudi borders, just like it is doing now in Iraq. 

The attacks on Yemen today, whilst it combats the Huthis and challenges Al 
Qaeda and the separatists in the south, is proof that Iran is seeking to 
destroy the Yemeni state with all its might in the hope that it would gain a 
foothold on the Saudi borders via the Huthis. It [Iran] would do this in the 
same way it did with Hezbollah in south Lebanon, which, under various pretexts, 
it turned into an army that is more powerful than the Lebanese army, and used 
it to serve its objectives in the region, or in the same way [that Iran] 
penetrated Iraq via groups and militias or even political fronts after the fall 
of the Saddam Hussein regime. This gave it a free rein in that country. 

Tehran is not enthusiastic about Yemen's safety and unity inasmuch as it is 
keen on upsetting stability there, and breaking up efforts to help Yemen with 
its internal problems or with the Huthis and Al Qaeda. As a result Iran is not 
only helping the Huthis but also the Al Qaeda regime because merely 
preoccupying the Yemeni government in the way Iran is doing - and despite the 
fact that the Yemenis avoided accusing Iran of supporting the Huthis for a long 
time - can be considered clear evidence that Tehran is seeking to upset the 
security situation and destabilize Yemen. 

Iran is doing all of this, and as we have mentioned before, it resembles a game 
of chess to a great extent, as the ultimate goal is to besiege Saudi Arabia 
from all of its border points. The one explanation for Iran's media attacks on 
all levels whether on Saudi Arabia or Yemen and its president, is the Iranian 
feeling of real failure in achieving its goals whether in Lebanon or in Yemen, 
and the marginalization of Iran on the diplomatic and political levels in the 
region in comparison to important, influential and clear Saudi action on the 
regional and international levels. 

Therefore, the Iranian attacks on the Yemeni president are not just a media 
campaign insofar as these attacks are a clear indication of Iran's lack of 
enthusiasm towards Yemeni unity and independence. It is also evidence of Iran's 
frustration due to Iranian setbacks on the regional and international levels, 
as all Tehran's diplomatic actions are subject to failure, not to mention the 
events that are taking place internally in Iran, as it has become clear that 
the Ahmadinejad regime and those behind it are facing a challenge on the daily 
basis that is weakening them at home and decreasing their significance abroad. 
Therefore, the issue is more than just an Iranian media campaign against Yemen 
and Saudi Arabia. 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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