Samarinda Journal 
Making Honesty a Policy in Indonesia Cafes 

Kemal Jufri for The New York Times
Students deposited money inside a box, on the honor system, at the honesty cafe 
at their high school on the island of Borneo. 

Published: June 15, 2009 
SAMARINDA, Indonesia - A country not known for its transparent practices in 
business, politics and many other areas, Indonesia is pressing ahead in its 
long-running anticorruption drive by opening up cashier-free "honesty cafes" 
across the archipelago.

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Times Topics: Indonesia
During a break at a high school here one recent morning, Selica Erlindi, 15, a 
10th grader who wants to be a pediatrician, picked a drink and a bag of spicy 
cassava chips from the local honesty cafe's shelves. Then, in keeping with the 
cafe's goal of nurturing probity among its customers and society at large, she 
deposited, on the honor system, the equivalent of 60 cents inside a clear 
plastic box. 

"This motivates us to be honest," Selica said. "Especially since there is a lot 
of cheating in class, at least we're learning to be honest with money. I think 
it's also important for society because corruption is a big problem in 

As part of a national campaign led by the attorney general's office, the 
provincial government here on the eastern shore of the island of Borneo opened 
a dozen honesty cafes last month alone in schools and government offices. By 
2010, the provincial government here plans to have more than 1,000 such cafes 
in operation, including in private establishments.

The attorney general's office says the honesty cafes will nip in the bud 
corrupt tendencies among the young and straighten out those known for indulging 
in corrupt practices, starting with civil servants. By shifting the 
responsibility of paying correctly to the patrons themselves, the cafes are 
meant to force people to think constantly about whether they are being honest 
and, presumably, make them feel guilty if they are not.

"We know there are many factors behind corruption, like the environment and 
economic needs, and honesty is just one factor," said Syakhrony, an official at 
the attorney general's office in Samarinda, the provincial capital of East 
Kalimantan, who, like many Indonesians, uses only one name. "But as law 
enforcement, we have repressive and preventive measures. These honesty cafes 
are a preventive measure in our fight against corruption."

The honesty cafes are just a part of the government's larger campaign begun in 
late 2007 to tackle endemic corruption in Indonesia, a country that ranked 
126th out of 180 nations last year in a corruption perception list compiled by 
Transparency International, a private organization that monitors corruption 
across the globe. The widely praised anticorruption campaign has removed 
Indonesia from the lowest rungs of the annual index and contributed to the 
popularity of Indonesia's president, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

Recently, though, the campaign suffered a blow after the head of the Corruption 
Eradication Commission was arrested on suspicion of involvement in the murder 
of a prominent businessman over a love triangle involving a golf caddie. 
Indonesia's House of Representatives, which Transparency International calls 
the most corrupt institution in the country, tried unsuccessfully to use the 
arrest to stop any further commission inquiries into lawmakers.

Since the attorney general's office started the campaign, some 7,456 honesty 
cafes have opened in 23 provinces in Indonesia, according to the National Youth 
Group, which is working with the office. The group expects 10,000 honesty cafes 
to be operating in 26 provinces by the end of the year before eventually 
reaching all 33 provinces.

So far, the cafes have been running successfully, said the group's chairman, 
Dody Susanto. But he said about 5 percent had run into difficulties because of 
"poor management or dishonest behavior."

In Samarinda in East Kalimantan, a province as rich in natural resources as in 
potential graft, officials pushed ahead despite recent problems in Jakarta. 
High School No. 1 spearheaded the local campaign by opening its honesty cafe 
last October, offering snacks and drinks for the school's 1,050 students. 

Eni Purwanti, an English teacher who heads the cooperative responsible for the 
cafe, said the plastic cash box was left unguarded, though large bills were 
removed regularly "so as not to tempt the students."

One time, after a week's investigation, officials found that a school 
administrator had been taking snacks without paying. "She said she didn't know 
how to pay for the items," Ms. Purwanti said.

No students have been caught cheating, she said, adding that the cafe's monthly 
receipts showed a healthy profit.

"What's important is that it's had a positive effect on the students," said 
Suardi, the principal. "Judging from the reports I've received from the 
teachers, cheating in class has decreased."

Some students, though, were not so sure the system was working.

"Some of my friends don't pay the right amount," said Okirin Derkaranto, 16. 

Okirin agreed that corruption was widespread in Indonesia, saying that some of 
his friends routinely bribed their way out of traffic violations by slipping 
police officers money.

Zairin Zain, a spokesman for the East Kalimantan government, said officials 
would evaluate the honesty cafes' performance after six months. So far, he 
said, they seem to be working well in schools but have met some "resistance" in 
government offices, like his own.

Despite a large banner proclaiming the start of the anticorruption campaign, 
one of the provincial government's honesty cafes did not appear to live up to 
its name, as more than one customer mentioned during one recent lunch hour. 
Most patrons paid at a cash register, and an employee sat at a table with two 
plastic cash boxes for those opting to pay on the honor system.

"Corruption is a big problem, but I don't want to comment," Eko Antarikso, 62, 
the cafe's manager, said with a laugh that perhaps explained why she had yet to 
transform her establishment into a full-fledged honesty barometer.

One customer, Lukman, a government worker specializing in purchasing, sounded 
skeptical about the honesty cafes.

"The real problem in Indonesia is that there are flaws in the system, the 
procurement process, for example, that give people the chance to steal," Mr. 
Lukman said, mentioning obscure procurement lists with padded prices. 

Companies bidding on contracts routinely deploy thugs to harass procurement 
officials like himself to win bids, he said. He added that he and his 
colleagues holed up at a hotel when the time came to award bids so as to avoid 
the "stress" of having bidders visit them at the office.

"I guess the honesty cafes are O.K.," he said. "But, you know, this is 

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