Men Also Share Fruits of Women's Equality Day
Run Date: 08/24/07
By Rob Okun
WeNews commentator

Women's Equality Day on Aug. 26 is not just a celebration for women.
Rob Okun says the day gives men a chance to follow the leadership of
women on many fronts and further their own independence.

Editor's Note: The following is a commentary. The opinions expressed
are those of the author and not necessarily the views of Women's

(WOMENSENEWS)--Besides celebrating women's advances, Women's Equality
Day--celebrated Aug. 26--offers men a chance to think about we can
advance our own lives.

If we're willing to honestly examine our long held fear of powerful
women--and the false notion that we lose some of our power as women
gain more of theirs--there's much for men to learn from the day. Not
the least of which is a direction for leading rewarding lives,
including understanding our inner world more profoundly.

In this arena, women have long led the way. If that's a problem for
some of us guys, well, it's time for us to get over it. Healthy
leadership knows no gender.

Four decades ago, when women began renewing their demand for
self-determination and freedom across the board--including the ongoing
process of examining all female roles in society--they uncovered a
silver lining of independence from which men can benefit too.

But first we have to unflinchingly examine our fears. Many of us have
felt confused, unsure, angry and threatened by the gains women have
made. In some households, being supplanted as top wage earner has
triggered men's insecurity; in others, it's been women returning to
school to finish a long-delayed degree. Some men feel they're paying a
steep price for sharing power: not just losing control but also

What a set up. For healthy men, sharing power can have such a healing,
eye-opening upside: offering us an opportunity to lighten the load of
responsibility so many of us still feel we have to carry.
Danger Lurks

Danger lurks, though. Many unhealthy men, too shut down to examine
their own lives, may cross the line, exhibiting controlling, even
abusive behaviors. These behaviors must be confronted.

Some believe the advances women have made--increased job and career
opportunities, improved wages, better child care--have come at men's
expense, as if freedom and independence were finite: "If she has it,
then I've lost it," the thinking goes. Truth is, liberation is like
love: there's an infinite supply.

Instead of men feeling resentful about the gains women have made, we
might study women's accomplishments and apply what we learn to our own

For instance, many women have been public about their struggle to
balance the world of work and career with that of relationship and
child rearing. The public conversation about the "mommy track" may be
a difficult one for women, but it reminds women they are not alone.

Sadly, men wrestling with those same issues usually do so in private,
too often silent and isolated. In groups I've facilitated and with
individual men I've counseled, I've heard the same refrain: "I was
always too ashamed to talk about it."

Unsympathetic supervisors have frowned upon, or have been outright
hostile to, men who tried to organize their work schedule in order to
make the game, the recital, the doctor's appointment. As a result,
many spoke about the despair they felt, the lack of support. Some
described developing physical conditions that seemed to develop out of
their inner condition: high blood pressure, depression, even suicidal
Sharing Stresses

For many men, the idea that sharing with others the stresses they were
carrying could actually play a crucial role in shifting their
experience had never occurred to them.

The world inhabited by my three daughters--29, 26, and 22--and son,
19, has been informed by the struggle for equality women have been
waging since before they were born. They've all benefited greatly from
their mothers' many acts fierce acts of independence. That one
daughter is in Tibet right now working on a film about Buddhist nuns,
that another just completed an emergency medical technician
certification training in Montana, and that the third is in North
Carolina beginning a nurse practitioner graduate program speaks
volumes about what women can achieve.

Does their younger brother, a college sophomore, feel undermined by
their stepping into the big, wide world, arms flung open, reaching for
the sky? Hardly. He's inspired. Just as I am. He knows there is room
for him to think big, too. He freely acknowledges how their many
trips, when he was in elementary, middle school and high school to
Asia, the Middle East, and Central and Latin America, emboldened him
to begin his own international travels.

Like many men, I've backed away from admitting the fear and
vulnerability I've sometimes felt navigating my life. Long before I
began finding strength and hope, wisdom and love, friendship and
healing, in the company of men, I found it with women: women in the
anti-war movement in Washington, D.C., in the late '60s; strong
leaders in the anti-nuke movement in the '70s, proponents of feminist
political art in the '80s. Their uncompromising honesty all
contributed significantly to my learning how to open up to myself.

I didn't have the language for it at the time but women were modeling
a kind of courage I was hungry for, going for a full life without
Men Join the Celebration

It's fitting that men join a celebration of the 19th Amendment that
the suffragist movement left to the world 87 years ago.

While we're celebrating, let's include a generous dollop of hope for
what's possible for our sons, too.

So thank you, sisters, for being unwilling to accept the restricted
lives society imposed on you for so long. Thank you for setting no
limits for who you could become. Thank you for articulating the link
between the civil rights and the women's rights movements. Thank you
for expanding that link to include so many other vital causes, from
gay and transgender rights to environmental justice and immigrant
solidarity; to name just a few. Thank you for your leadership in the
anti-war movement, then and now. You are an inspiration.

As important as Women's Equality Day is in marking what women have
accomplished, there is still a long way to go.

Yet as a powerful symbol for men to consider, it raises a question:
Can men commit to appreciating women's lives and women's leadership on
more than just this one day? Absent our fears, jealousies and
unfulfilled longings for connection, can we unabashedly commemorate
this holiday and, in the process, open to our own possibility, our own

I hope so. For those of us who can, we will be well on our way to
celebrating our own Independence Day.

Rob Okun is executive director of the Men's Resource Center for Change
( , editor of Voice Male magazine, and a
psychotherapist and justice of the peace in Amherst, Mass. He can be
reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Millions of Women Still Fail to Cast Ballots:

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