Wednesday, November 19, 2008 
11:47 Mecca time, 08:47 GMT 

      Muslim woman defies male dominance  
       By Farah El Alfy in Cairo, Egypt 

            Amal Soliman was ridiculed for wanting to be a marriage registrar 
[Jasmin Bauomy]

      Amal Soliman, a 32-year-old Egyptian woman, has endured intimidation and 
ridicule in the year since she applied for a job as the Muslim world's first 
mazouna, or female marriage registrar, but she says her victory has been worth 
the fight. 

      In late September, Soliman, who holds a Masters degree in Islamic Sharia 
law, broke into what has until now been an exclusively males-only club.

      However, the Committee of Egyptian Mazouns, an all-male organisation, 
challenged Soliman's application saying the job would be inappropriate for a 
woman and voiced their opinion in a statement issued by the committee. 

      A marriage officer presides over a wedding (or divorce) ceremony, recites 
verses from the Quran and signs the official certificates making the union 
legally binding. 

      Al Jazeera recently spoke with Soliman shortly after she conducted her 
first wedding ceremony on October 25. 

      Al Jazeera: Why did you decide to apply for a position that has 
traditionally - and for centuries - been a male vocation? 

      Soliman: In 2007 one of the two marriage officers of my neighbourhood 
passed away, leaving behind a job opportunity.

      For three months everyone wondered who would be able to replace Al Hajj 
Abou Mesalam and right before the deadline (October 2007) for applying I rushed 
over to the civil court in Zagazig, the heart of rural Egypt, to give in my 

      I had been interested in pursuing a doctorate degree in Islamic studies 
but also maintaining a flexible job that would allow me to spend time with my 
three children.

      Legally, there is no reason why a woman can't do the job, and the Mufti 
(Islamic scholar and interpreter of Islamic law) said it was religiously 
acceptable as it is only an administrative position. 

      In October 2007, my husband and I formally submitted an application to 
the local family court clerk for the post of marriage officer. 

      Was your application accepted? 

            Soliman with her husband and children [EPA]
      Well, I took my husband with me because I was afraid I would be made fun 
of, which I was. 

      When I applied the man at the desk laughed openly at me and said that is 
was just not possible.

      He imagined I would go home and forget about it, but instead I argued and 
told him that I had studied Sharia Law and I know it is an administrative job.

      Though the clerk refused to accept my submission, I turned to Ibrahim 
Darwish, head of the local magistrate in Zagazig for his opinion.  

      Darwish was puzzled; he said there was no precedent for this situation so 
he did not know what to say. I took that as a sign that there was a small 
window of opportunity. 

      I then consulted Khaled el-Shalkamy, the head judge of Zagazig's family 

      I told him it was my right to be nominee as I was extremely qualified.

      I told him just to accept me and let the other people involved in the 
selection process do the rest. 

      Were there no other applicants for the job?

      Actually, I was in competition with 10 other candidates, all men, but 
none of them held post-graduate degrees in Sharia law like I did. 

      So el-Shalkamy accepted my application.  

      On February 25, I couldn't hold back my tears as I stood in front of the 
local court and was appointed as my district's new mazouna. 

      But the battle was half-won. I would not be able to begin work as a 
mazouna until Mamdouh Marei, the Egyptian minister of justice, formally signed 
off and authorised my appointment. 

      But many males did not accept the idea that a woman could hold what has 
been a man's job and you were targeted in the media. 

      The chairman of the Committee of Egyptian Mazouns, Muhammad Abou Ayeeta, 
said "the Ministry [of Justice] should refuse the appointment, because it is 
unacceptable that women would work in this occupation." 

      How did you deal with the backlash? 

      Well, at first my optimism slowly started to fade as I saw so much 
opposition. Some 
      columnists wrote that I was out to destroy tradition, that I was a threat 
to the religion and should be punished for pursuing the post. 

      But there were two main reasons for the opposition I faced. Firstly, it 
is simply rooted in male chauvinism. These people believe the woman's place is 
firmly in her house. 

      The other group was comprised of uneducated people who have developed an 
image of women's role in Islam from television; usually based on the words of a 
sheikh with a turban on his head. 

      Arguments made against me claimed that a woman couldn't perform marriages 
because of menstruation, as religion prevents women from praying or entering a 
mosque during her monthly cycle.  

      Others claimed that it was inappropriate for a woman to sit amongst men 
during the signing of the marriage certificates, which is traditionally 
predominately a male gathering where the marriage officer sits directly between 
the groom and his father-in-law.  

      Did no religious authority or group support you? 

      Well, four months after contacting the Ministry of Justice and receiving 
no word, I contacted the National Council for Women for a louder voice and 
stronger backing.

      Both my opponents and proponents were beginning to wonder if I would ever 
receive the approval of the ministry of justice. 

      From the first moment that my papers where accepted as a nominee, the 
national press caught wind of this unusual event.

      A journalist in Al Akhbar, one of Egypt's leading newspapers, heard about 
the situation, and helped launch my cause as a national debate.  

      Eventually the news went global. I think the media was a catalyst and 
made my appointment go through faster than it would have.  

      It made me happy to have so much international coverage . Sometimes when 
I'm sitting alone I wonder if I'm dreaming. What is going on? Did we really 
pull this off?

      I'm happy not just for me; I had always wanted to show the world Egypt's 
developments with regards to women rights and gender equality. 

      But you did not get ministry approval until September 27; why did it take 
the ministry so long? 

      Of course I was happy and relieved, but more importantly I regained my 
confidence when the minister finally signed my appointment. I had slowly 
started to doubt myself up to that point.

      However, I now believe that the minister had to be cautious, as this case 
was the first of its kind.

      But laws are not religion. We can develop them.

      On November 14, the United Arab Emirates followed in Egypt's footsteps 
and appointed Fatima Saeed Obeid Al Awani as a mazouna in the Abu Dhabi 
Judicial Department.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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