Refleksi : Kalau  seandainya dianggap perbuatan Susno merusak citera dan rejeki 
kehidupan  sahabat presiden, maka dengan sendirinya presiden tidak akan 
memperhatikan surat dari isteri Susno.

President `unmoved' by Susno's wife's letter
| Sat, 05/15/2010 7:42 AM | National 

JAKARTA: President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has refused a request to defend 
former National Police chief detective Comr. Gen. Susno Duadji, who is in legal 
trouble after the Police detained him on charges of accepting a Rp 500 million 
(US$55.000) bribe from an aquarium fish company. 

The request filed by Susno's wife Herawati was read by Yudhoyono and First Lady 
Kristiani Herawati Yudhoyono, according to presidential expert staff for legal 
affairs Denny Indrayana. 

"Mrs. Susno Duadji basically requested the protection and fair treatment of her 
husband. The President, in response to this, has asked law enforcers to 
maintain fairness; not only in Susno's case, but also in others'," Denny said. 

"The President will not intervene in the legal process. He always respects it 
and has asked people around him to do the same," he added. 

Herawati sent the letter to the President and the First Lady after the police 
named her husband a suspect Monday. 

Susno is a whistle blower, who has revealed names at the National Police 
allegedly involved in fraud and bribery cases, since he was dismissed as chief 
detective late last year. - JP

Related News >> 
  a.. First Lady receives Susno wife's letter
  b.. Susno's wife seeks first lady's help

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