Memang seharusnya demokrasi itu kompatibel dg Islam karena Islam itu
sangat egalitarian.

Tetapi banyak sih teokrat Islamist yg memang anti-demokrasi karena
demokrasi mengancam posisi privilege mereka ... he he ...

Catatan: mulai saat ini saya akan lebih menggunakan istilah teokrat
Islamist, yaitu para pemuka agama Islam yg menjadi bagian, mendukung
atau berambisi mendirikan negara berdasarkan agama (negara teokratis).
 Ini lebih akurat dibanding dg 'ulama'. Tidak semua ulama adalah
teokrat Islamist.

--- In, Ari Condrowahono
> Micro-Level Indications of Compatibility
> Indiana University
> Very few studies have attempted to empirically examine the relationship 
> between Islam and
> democracy at the level of the individual. Using cross-sectional
> least squares regression,
> the author compares the sources and patterns of democratic support
> Muslim and Christian
> respondents in eight countries undergoing varying degrees of 
> democratization or attempting to
> consolidate democratic regimes. The results indicate that levels of 
> support for democracy as an
> ideal are generally higher among Muslim respondents than Eastern 
> Orthodox respondents in the
> countries included in the study. Furthermore, the study suggests that 
> Muslims may more closely
> approximate the ideal envisioned by scholars who view civic engagement 
> and political trust as
> essential to democracy. At the same time, however, the model reveals 
> that in the countries
> included in the study, religion may play only a minor role in 
> individuals' evaluations of democracy
> as an ideal concept.
> *
> kesimpulan :*
> a. pemeluk Islam lebih siap berdemokrasi ria
> b. agama tidak memgang peranan dalam proses demokratisasi [peranannya 
> minor banget]
> 2. Di jurnal tsb, di halaman 2, disebutkan delapan negara yg menjadi 
> obyek penelitian.
> In an effort to address these gaps in the literature, I use
> ordinary least squares regression using data from the World Values
> for 1995 to 1997 to examine whether intermediate micro-level links
> factors that have been posited by scholars to influence or be
> with
> support for democracy function the same way in the Muslim and Christian
> (primarily Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox) populations of eight
> countries, namely, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bosnia, Croatia, 
> Georgia,Macedonia,
> Russia, and Turkey. At the time of the surveys, some of the countries
> included in the study were clearly in the process of democratization; 
> all had
> made at least some effort to move away from clear-cut authoritarian
rule. An
> index of support for democracy as an ideal is used as the dependent
> of the study; explanatory variables include civic engagement, political 
> trust,
> assessments of a country's political past, and expectations of a
> political future.
> *
> informasi yg didapat dari paragraf diatas :*
> a. Delapan negara obyek penelitian :Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bosnia, 
> Croatia, Georgia,Macedonia, Russia, and Turkey
> b. dependen variabel : dukungan thd demokrasi
> explanatory variabel : peran masyarakat sipil, kepercayaan masyarakat 
> pada peran elit politik dan proses politik, latar belakang dnia politik 
> di negara tersebut, dan harapan  kehidupan politik di masa depan.
> 3. kesimpulan studi :
> The results of the study lend support to scholarly works that stress 
> possible
> points of fusion between Islam and democracy. The sources and patterns
> of democratic support are not found to systematically differ between
> and Christian respondents in the countries included in the study. In
fact, a
> comparison of Eastern Orthodox and Muslim respondents suggests that the
> latter group holds views of democracy that may be more conducive to 
> democratic
> politics. However, the model also suggests that in the countries
> in the study, religion may play a fairly minimal role in shaping 
> individuals'
> attitudes concerning democracy.
> a. antara muslim dan kristen [roman chatolic dan ortodox] tidaka da
> pola dalam penerimaan thd demokrasi,
> b. namun disebutkan bahwa umat islam lebih kondusif dalam penerimaannya 
> thd demokrasi.
> 4. *hal hal yg perlu dicatat*
> a. Currently, 47 countries have citizenries composed of Muslim 
> majorities. Maliwas the only
> such country given a rating of "free" by Freedom House (2002) for the 
> period from 2001 to 2002;
> of the remaining 46 countries, 28 were rated "not free." During the
> period, only 11 of the 47
> countries were considered electoral democracies by Freedom House.
> b. di beberapa negara bekas komunis, maka kembali ke era komunis adalah 
> pilihan alternatif yg signifikan thd demokrasi, kecuali azerbaijan, 
> dimana islam karimov, sang presiden melakukan tekanan represif.  faktor 
> komunis ini otomatis menjelaskan, mengapa di bangladesh dan turki, 
> faktor alternatif pilihan thd pola demokrasi tidak ada yg signifikan.  
> dia kedua negara ini tidak ada sejarah pemerintahan degn pola komunis 
> sih. :D
> c. faktor pendidikan memegang peran signifikan pada dukungan thd
> Dana Pamilih wrote:
> >
> > Nah marilah kita kembali mengejar kejayaan itu. Dengan alat apa?
> > Bukan dengan bom bunuh diri tetapi dengan akal, mantiq dan iptek.
> > Seperti yg digunakan para ilmuwan jaman dulu itu. Alat utamanya ialah
> > akal.
> >
> > Inilah inti dari tujuan saya ikut milis ini ialah supaya kita sadar
> > bahwa ketertinggalan kita itu bukan salah orang lain, melainkan salah
> > sendiri.
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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