Thanks sunny for this kind informatioan that I am not be able to search ...

Seemstinya ulama2 islam harus memikirkan karya2 yang bermanfaat untuk 
masarakat---jangan hanya pintar mengharamkan karya2 orang lain..Itulah 
kelamahan2 Ulama2 islam fundamentalis----sangat lemah dlm karya2 
bermanfaat---karya2 nyata---terutama untuk pengembangan ekonomi umat----

Kalau umat kaya raya--kan bisa membuat TV sendiri?
kan bisa membuat program2 sendiri, berpacu dengan karya2 non Islam
Itulah yang di anjurkanoleh Rasulullah saw----yaitu berrlomba lomba berbuat 
kebajikan untuk bangsa. benar bukan?


--- In, "sunny" <am...@...> wrote:
> January 15, 2010 
> Ismira Lutfia & Anita Rachman
> MUI Seeks To Make 'Islamic' TV Shows
> Sick of morally degrading television programs? You may be able to switch to 
> an Islam-based television channel soon. 
> Embracing technology, the branches of the Indonesian Council of Ulema (MUI) 
> in Sumatra have proposed the establishment of such a TV station and the 
> creation of an accompanying blog to the their central board. 
> The chairman of the MUI's West Sumatra branch, Buyagus Rizal Gazahar, said on 
> Friday that all branches in Medan, North Sumatra, earlier this week agreed to 
> establish an Islamic broadcaster to counter the dominance of private 
> television stations with poor programming content. 
> "That we should have an Islamic channel came out of the 2005 national 
> assembly but because of the poor response from the central board, we have 
> proposed it again. We are hoping for a quick response," Buyagus said. 
> The Medan meeting also agreed to create an MUI blog to advance dakwah [the 
> spreading of the word of Islam] according to developments in information 
> technology. 
> Central board secretary Ichwan Sam said "ulemas must be are aware that they 
> are no longer standing at a dakwah podium but are facing the modern world," 
> Ichwan said. 
> "They should spread the word that Islam is a religion that can adapt to 
> developments around the globe," Ichwan said. 
> Buyagus said many mainstream television programs portrayed a way of life that 
> was contrary to Islamic tenets. 
> "Even soap operas claiming to have Islamic themes don't convey Islamic values 
> as most of them include mysticism," he said, adding that television should be 
> used to spread Islamic teachings.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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