Religion Versus Freedom of Expression

By Abdul Rahman Al-Rashid


We are in the midst of battles taking place on different levels; and there are 
clashes between followers of different religions, and clashes between followers 
of the same religion. However looking into the details of such disputes one 
realizes that clashes are even taking place between followers of the same sect 
and even members of the same family. Although such conflict this represents 
defective behavior, there has been no lasting solution to this. Therefore 
despite the numerous conferences and proposals put forward to resolve this, no 
decisive laws have been enacted, and it seems that it will be a long time until 
we can reach a mutual understanding or accept a collective defeat [on this 

Thirty years ago the Iranians - at the height of the glory of their Islamic 
Revolution - objected to Salman Rushdie's novel [The Satanic Verses] thereby 
initiating a clash of civilizations. Everybody in Europe at the time, from 
writers to publishers to readers, were accustomed to freedom of expression in 
their cultural domain, and this even included freedom of expression against the 
Christian church. Those who objected to something were only entitled to stage 
demonstrations outside the theatre or publishing house in question, or to write 
letters protecting this. Anybody who is dissatisfied can only merely refrain 
from seeing or purchasing the work of art in question and encouraging the 
others to do the same. 

However in the Islamic world, the experience and history is completely 
different. Europe experienced more than three centuries of ideological conflict 
over Galileo's telescope, Darwin's apple, and before this Martin Luther's 
position against the deification of the Church. It is thanks to Martin Luther's 
position that freedom of expression today has become holy [in Europe] and the 
principle of coexistence between followers of different schools of thought has 
been implemented. Therefore the most one could do to criticize a particular 
work of art was to respond in kind, i.e. to publish a book or write an article 
refuting and objecting to the views of others. Muslims are not part of the 
European geography and history, and we have yet to reach the same stage as the 
West in this regard. As a result of this, the Arab behavior is condemned by the 
Europeans, while the Western behavior seems to be rude and nasty to Muslims. As 
a result of this, the struggle between the two sides is intensifying via UN 
committees and open conferences with regards to the limits and boundaries of 
freedom of expression. 

As I mentioned in the introduction, the problems with regards to freedom of 
expression and criticism does not merely exist between two different cultures; 
one that has been in use since Martin Luther's conflict with the Church, and 
another that is committed to its traditional values, but that this conflict 
exists on all levels. The Christians consider the Muslim view of Christ to be 
blasphemous, while the Jews also consider the mockery and aggression directed 
towards them in Muslim texts to be something that should be stopped, where we 
Muslims believe that their mockery of our religion is an outrage, however if 
there were no such differences there would only be one common religion in the 
world. The same clashes are taking place between followers of the same 
religion, as can be seen in the exchange of accusations between the Sunnis and 
Shiites. If the Shiites had accepted the Sunni version of history with regards 
to the Prophet's companions, they would not be Shiite but rather Sunnis, and if 
the Sunnis believed that Ali Bin Abu Taleb should have been the first Caliph 
following the Prophet's death and that the Caliphate should follow the 
Prophet's line with regards to succession then they would not be Sunnis but 
rather Shiites. While if the followers of Al Qaeda abandoned their jihadist 
principles they would not be followers of Al Qaeda or terrorists. This is how a 
series of differences continue to spiral out of control, even amongst followers 
of the same religion, and differences and clashes have emerged [in Islam] over 
issues such as the niqab and the hijab and the limits of preventing vice. As a 
result of this, people label each other infidels and issue takfirist fatwas 
that say that it is permissible to shed each other's blood. 

This is a general picture of the conflict between opponents who have failed to 
impose the necessary limits and boundaries for peaceful coexistence, which does 
not necessarily mean recognizing or consenting to other people's beliefs. This 
is a problem that is far too large for the UN to resolve, or for it to be 
resolved by putting an end to armed extremist groups or fundamentalists here or 
there; rather this is a huge ideological problem. 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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