The Advantages of Bankruptcy
27 November 2008By Konstantin Sonin

In capitalist Russia, the words "redistribution of property" have always meant 
something negative. In the early 1990s, it was about large-scale looting from 
the government's privatization programs. In the late 1990s, it was a 
catchphrase for battles among oligarchs. In the Putin years, it involved 
state-controlled companies raiding private companies.

Nonetheless, the successful development of a capitalist economy is impossible 
without redistributing property in one form or another. This is particularly 
true during a crisis. 

The Russian government needs to adopt a new form of property redistribution -- 
one that differs fundamentally from the corrupt schemes of the 1990s. Within 
the boundaries of transparent bankruptcy laws, it needs to take back ownership 
from those companies that have failed and put them in the hands of new owners 
who have a chance of making a profit.

What is the ideal mechanism for handling bankruptcies? The government 
identifies a company that cannot pay off its debts, puts in under bankruptcy 
protection, and then sells it to the highest bidder, using the funds to pay off 
the company's creditors. 

In reality, the bankruptcy process is very complex, which explains why 
bankruptcy laws vary widely from country to country. Moreover, the government, 
which has the ultimate responsibility for regulating bankruptcy proceedings, 
faces numerous hurdles. For example, government officials must ensure that the 
owners and managers of the firm applying for bankruptcy do not sell off their 
shares. But all too often, corrupt officials are looking for ways to profit 
from bankruptcy proceedings rather than protecting the public interest. The 
other important interest for the government in regulating bankruptcies is to 
avoid massive layoffs in cities in which the financially troubled firm is the 
main employer.

There are many companies that have borrowed enormous sums of money against 
their shares and are now left unable to pay them off. The best government 
policy in such cases would be to subject these companies to bankruptcy 
proceedings with a strong government role in administering and regulating the 
process. For example, if a real estate developer cannot honor its debts, the 
government should take ownership of the buildings it has already built, sell 
them at open auctions and give the money to its creditors. Since real estate 
prices are falling, the creditors might earn only a percentage of the amount of 
the original loan, but is that really so bad? The alternative is to use 
taxpayer money to settle those debts. 

There is also another, even less desirable option. This is when the government 
bails out a failing enterprise in return for a specified number of the 
company's shares at pre-crisis prices -- for example, when the government paid 
off Alfa Group's debts to Deutsche Bank. But in this operation, the government 
ends up with nearly worthless shares.

Even when the situation concerns an industrial giant, there should be no 
confusion between the interests of its owners and those of the workers. If a 
company eliminates its debts through bankruptcy proceedings and remains 
profitable, it won't lay off its workers. 

Bankruptcy implies the removal of both the company's owners and its creditors. 
At the same time, it is no easy task to find a new owner for a company during a 
crisis -- even if the firm is debt-free. This is why the question of 
nationalization has become so urgent. Even with all of the costs and drawbacks 
involved in such a policy, it is better than simply throwing money at a company 
that will never be able to pay off its debts. After all, if a businessperson 
were to lose a lot of money at the gambling table, no one on the side would 
even think of stepping in and covering the losses. 

Konstantin Sonin, a professor at the New Economic School/CEFIR, is a columnist 
for Vedomosti

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