The Embargo After the Castros

Raúl Castro in Havana on May Day last year. (Pool Photo By Sven Creutzmann)
By Marc A. Thiessen
Monday, April 6, 2009; Page A15 

The White House announced this weekend that President Obama would soon lift 
restrictions on family travel and remittances to Cuba. A bipartisan group of 20 
senators has gone further, introducing legislation to repeal the nearly 
half-century-old ban on travel to Cuba -- a first step toward lifting the U.S. 
embargo on the communist island. Before proceeding, lawmakers ought to consider 
the words of Ricardo Alarcón -- a top official in the Castro regime and 
longtime leader of Cuba's National Assembly of People's Power. 

In 1998, I had a revealing meeting with Alarcón in Havana. I was working for 
Sen. Jesse Helms -- then chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and 
a household name in Cuba thanks to regime propaganda -- and had gone to the 
island with my colleague Roger Noriega for the visit of Pope John Paul II. As 
the price of admission to Cuba, we had to endure a meeting with a low-level 
functionary in the Cuban National Assembly. 

About 30 minutes into that meeting, Alarcón came into the room unexpectedly and 
announced: "I will now answer your questions." Alarcón had been quoted in U.S. 
media indicating his desire to succeed Fidel Castro, so we said point blank: 
"We hear you want to be president of Cuba." He waved his cigar dismissively, 
saying that all he had told the reporter was that if the revolution needed him, 
of course he would answer the call. We pressed: "But didn't Fidel just announce 
at the Communist Party conference that Raúl will succeed him?" Alarcón shot up 
in his seat: "No!" he declared. "All Fidel said was what is in the Cuban 
constitution -- that in the absence of the president, the first vice president 
assumes the duties of the president." But, he added with a smile, "the 
president serves at the pleasure of the National Assembly of People's Power" -- 
which Alarcón heads. He then held forth on the future of the revolution, 
referring to Raúl as a "brother of lesser historical significance," and named 
several individuals who would be better choices to serve as Fidel's successor, 
including rising stars such as Carlos Lage and Felipe Pérez Roque. (Raúl, if 
you need confirmation, check Cuban state security's recording of the exchange.) 

After the meeting, which had not been on our official schedule, we stepped out 
of the Assembly building. A throng of reporters, including from Cuba's official 
Prensa Latina news agency, was waiting -- and asked about our discussions with 
Alarcón. We walked past them without comment. Moments later, Alarcón stepped 
out. He told the assembled reporters: "I am not going to exaggerate the affair. 
I do not believe it is easy to change people of a conservative formation. . . . 
But it has been a very respectful dialogue." The Associated Press reported: "A 
top Cuban official held a 'respectful dialogue' Tuesday with aides to U.S. Sen. 
Jesse Helms, one of the communist island's fiercest critics." 

This story -- the details of which have not been publicly shared before -- 
holds important lessons for today. First, Raúl Castro's position as Fidel's 
successor is by no means assured. That Alarcón would speak so openly and 
dismissively about Raúl to representatives of the enemy -- Helms -- speaks 
volumes about the lack of respect for Raúl within the Cuban hierarchy. Many 
Cubans told us that Raúl is hated within the ranks of the military and is 
blamed by them for the execution of the beloved Gen. Arnaldo Ochoa -- who led 
Cuban forces in Angola and whose popularity Raúl saw as a threat. Were it not 
for Fidel's protection, we were told, he would have been eliminated long ago. 
Raúl is trying to consolidate his position, eliminating rivals such as Lage and 
Pérez Roque, but once Fidel goes, the knives could come out for the "brother of 
lesser historical significance." 

Second, as the competition to succeed Fidel and Raúl heats up, the coin of the 
realm will be who can bring about an end to the embargo. Cuba is one of the 
world's most repressive nations -- even within the regime, officials are afraid 
to speak to each other. With his news conference, Alarcón signaled the party 
cadres: I can sit down and have a "respectful dialogue" with the 
representatives of Jesse Helms. And if I can talk to the strongest supporters 
of the embargo, I'm the best person to negotiate an end to it. 

The dumbest thing we could do today would be to enact legislation unilaterally 
lifting the embargo. Set aside questions about the embargo's efficacy. Like it 
or not, it is our only leverage, aside from our military, to affect the 
transition in Cuba. Why would we fritter away that leverage just as time 
prepares to do what the embargo could not -- bring about the end of the Castro 
regime? Fidel was never going to negotiate a loosening of repression in Cuba in 
exchange for a lifting of the travel ban and other trade restrictions. But 
those who succeed him will, and the Castro brothers will soon be gone. The 
question is: When that happens, what power will the United States have to 
encourage a democratic transition on the island? Instead of strengthening Raúl 
by lifting the embargo now, we should keep our powder dry and use it to 
strengthen democracy and influence his successor. The embargo has been in place 
for 47 years -- at this point, it would be foolish not to wait a little longer. 

The writer, a spokesman for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee from 1995 to 
2001, is a visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution. He served in senior 
positions in the Pentagon and the White House from 2001 to 2009. 


U.S. lawmakers meet with Cuban foreign minister
By Esteban Israel
Saturday, April 4, 2009; 7:54 PM 
HAVANA (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers met with Cuba's foreign minister and laid 
flowers at a Havana memorial to slain U.S. civil rights leader Martin Luther 
King on Saturday during a visit aimed at improving relations between Washington 
and the communist-ruled island. 

"The entire world is very optimistic about a shift in direction in terms of 
U.S. foreign policy throughout the world," U.S. Representative  Barbara Lee, 
who headed a seven-member congressional delegation, told reporters in the Cuban 

"Personally I believe and many believe it's time to talk to Cuba," said Lee, 
who added that the delegation was in Cuba to find out what issues should be 
discussed between the two countries. 

She did not disclose what they talked about with Foreign Minister Bruno 
Rodriguez, but said, "the discussions have been very well received." 

"We've had open, honest dialogue and we look forward to continuing discussions 
up until we depart on Wednesday," she told reporters in a small park with a 
black stone memorial to King. 

The delegation placed flowers at the memorial's base to mark the 41st 
anniversary of King's assassination in Memphis, Tennessee. 

The delegation is the first from the United States since President Barack Obama 
took office in January. The U.S. Congress is preparing to consider bills 
lifting most restrictions on U.S. travel to Cuba. 

Most U.S. citizens are barred from visiting the island 90 miles from Florida 
under a 47-year trade embargo imposed shortly after Fidel Castro took power and 
allied Cuba with the former Soviet Union. 


A White House official confirmed on Friday a Wall Street Journal report that 
Obama would abolish limits on family travel and cash remittances between the 
United States and Cuba, but the official said the move was not a policy shift 
or imminent. 

Obama promised during his presidential campaign to lift the restrictions, which 
were tightened by the Bush administration. The new U.S. leader has called for 
steps toward normalizing relations, but Vice President Joe Biden said a week 
ago that the United States would not lift the embargo. 

Lee said the delegation had not brought any message from Obama. They met with 
Ricardo Alarcon, the president of Cuba's parliament, after arriving in Havana 
on Friday. 

U.S. Representative  Mike Honda said Cuban officials have played it close to 
the vest in discussions so far, with much of the talk about the history of 
U.S.-Cuba relations. 

"I'm sure they would like to say a lot of things, but what they've told us is 
history from their point of view, and the feeling that they want you to sense 
that," he said. 

Lee said the delegation, which is all Democrat and mostly of African-Americans, 
had not been told yet whether they would meet with President Raul Castro. 

Obama is due to meet with Latin American leaders later this month in Trinidad 
and Tobago. His tone on Cuba, different from the tough policies under Bush, has 
sparked hopes for change on both sides of the Florida Straits and in Latin 

(Editing by Jeff Franks and Mohammad Zargham) 

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