Refleksi :  What a  great  achievement! Hebat juga kemajuan yang dicapai 
sebelum 100 hari kerja selesai yang penuh hirukpikuk BC.  Insyaalloh dalam 
waktu 5 tahun mendatang angka kemiskinan menjadi nol dan tidak lagi akan ada 
pengiriman TKI ke tanah orang untuk mencari nafkah  sebgai buruh murah tanpa 
perlindungan hukum yang menada karena dipaksa oleh kemiskinan di rumah.

VP : poverty rate continues to drop
Saturday, December 12, 2009 22:15 WIB | Economic & Business | | 

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The poverty rate in Indonesia has since 1990 continued 
to drop dramatically from 60 percent to 14.1 percent in 2009, Vice President 
Boediono said.

"It is our historic record because the number of poor people continues to 
decline rapidly since 1990, although it edged up slightly in 1998 as a result 
of the national economic crisis," the vice president said at a conference on 
the government`s mid-term national development plan (2010-2014) here on 

According to the vice president, the poverty rate in 2000 to 2009 was recorded 
at below 20 percent or slightly above 10 percent.

"From 2000 to 2009 the poverty rate has been under 20 percent and in 2009 alone 
it was slightly above ten percent," the vice president said.

Boedino said the figure could continue to be reduced because Indonesia had the 
potential to overcome the poverty problem with its good structure of economic 
development and the government programs for people`s welfare.

"I am certain that we will be able to lower the poverty rate percentage from 
14.1 percent this year to 8-10 percent in 2014 if we wisely make use of our 
existing potentials," Boediono said. 

Therefore the vice president called on regional governments as field 
coordinators to pay serious attention to the people`s welfare so as to reduce 
the poverty rate significantly.

Asked about the national development program, Boediono said the government 
still needed Rp20 trillion per year in funds to step it up.

"It is quite a huge amount so it cannot be met from the state or regional 
budgets, and therefore external support is also needed to reach the target of 
national development," he said.

"To make national development a success, the government needs the support of 
all parties , domestic and foreign investors who can cover the funds deficit," 
he added.

He said the condition of national economic structure was relatively safe 
because the global economic crisis did not have a significant impact on it.

"We still have a strong economic structure and the opportunity to develop 
financial sector in spite of global financial crisis. And that is good 
potential for us to step our our national development program," the vice 
president said.(*)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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