Sunday 6 December 2009 (19 Dhul Hijjah 1430)

      Venezuela takes over three more small banks
      CARACAS: Venezuela said on Friday it was taking over three more small 
private banks, raising the week's tally to 7, as part of a clean-up in the 
financial sector that has investors worried, but is seen as unlikely to herald 
a major wave of nationalizations.

      Finance Minister Ali Rodriguez said the three institutions - Baninvest, 
Central Banco Universal, and Banco Real, which account for just 2 percent of 
Venezuela's banking deposits - would hopefully be "rehabilitated" by the state.

      "The rest of the financial system is in good hands despite the criminal 
campaigns going on," Rodriguez said, accusing opponents of socialist President 
Hugo Chavez of trying to destabilize Venezuela through rumors of a bank crisis.

      Most analysts believe the Chavez government is engaged in a "cleanup" 
exercise of a minority of banks with funding or ownership irregularities, 
rather than being on the brink of taking over another sector in the South 
American nation.

      Socialist Chavez, a harsh critic of the United States and Wall Street, 
has nationalized large sectors of his OPEC nation's economy since coming to 
power in 1999. So far, he has held back from large-scale seizures in the 
banking sector.

      "We are not facing a situation of crisis in the national bank system, 
despite the enormous, deep crisis that has shaken the financial world, and 
severely affected developed economies, particularly the United States," 
Rodriguez said in a TV speech. A first clutch of closures on Monday - of four 
small banks accounting for 6 percent of deposits - worried depositors and 
unsettled markets, with Venezuelan bonds plummeting and the bolivar currency 
weakening in nonofficial trade.

      Rodriguez did not specify the reasons for the new closures.

      The four banks closed Monday had problems of solvency and unexplained 
capital movements, the government said.

      Venezuela's benchmark global bond traded 0.750 point, or 1.3 percent, 
higher on the day, to bid 67.000, with a yield of 14.448 percent. Earlier, it 
had hit a session high of 68.875 in a rally that quickly faded after 
Rodriguez's announcement of the latest bank interventions.

      So far this week, the bond has fallen over 10 percent.

      Friday's announcement capped a tumultuous week for Venezuela's financial 
system, in which Chavez twice said he would nationalize all private banks if 
necessary, before softening his rhetoric on Thursday and Friday.

      "The local bourgeoise are trying to create panic," Chavez said Friday in 
the latest of many public speeches on the subject. "We are intervening with 

      Long lines have formed at some banks, as people check on their money or 
move it to bigger institutions, and some workers from the closed institutions 
have protested. But there is none of the wide-scale panic seen during 
Venezuela's 2004 financial crisis when half the nation's banks went under.

      Chavez said depositors from two of the institutions closed on Monday were 
all recovering their funds, while the state would take over and reopen the 
other two banks.

      "We are not going to leave savers in the street."

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