Virginity. What's the Big Fuss? 


By  Raya Shokatfard 


Freelance Writer - Egypt




In France, a recent court ruling annulling a marriage of a young Muslim
couple, because the bride wasn't a virgin, has sparked heated debate and
objection in France and elsewhere, especially among feminists. 

Since this article would involve the laws of Allah, it is important to
establish the identity of the One who gifted us, the Muslims, with Islam's
holy book, the Qur'an, and its laws.


Muslims believe that the Qur'an is 100-percent the word of Allah, revealed
to Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) through Angel Gabriel
over 23 years of time. Muslims believe the Qur'an is the only holy book to
be uncorrupted and free from human error and tampering.


(No falsehood can approach it [the Qur'an] from before or behind it: It is
sent down by One Full of Wisdom, Worthy of all Praise.) (Fussilat 41:42)


A person who is familiar with Jewish and Christian holy books, namely the
Old and New Testaments, can easily observe that the Qur'an confirms the laws
given to Jews and Christians and goes further to cancel, modify, and
complete the instructions to humankind in order to safeguard their physical,
mental, and spiritual well-being while still in the physical world.


When it comes to the matter of chastity for men and women, there are no
contradictions in these holy books. The famous, "Thou shall not commit
adultery and fornication," is among one of the most important commandments
given to humankind by Allah. This law is cemented in these holy scriptures
with no room to justify any act of sexual intercourse outside of legal and
permissible wedlock.


Secularism has attempted to change the laws of Allah and replace it with
human laws that are in continuous states of change, alterations, and
contradictions. Feminists have continuously claimed for women more rights
that are not based on divine wisdom and, as a result, have driven females
more into harm's way than protection.


Realizing the fact that Allah ordained laws, only to protect humans from
harm, is essential to debating any moral issues. Once this is established in
the mind of a person, the contested matters become much easier to resolve.


Chastity, in Islam, is a belief, followed by actions prescribing to certain
standards on behavior and the dress code. Muslim men and women who adhere to
the tenements of Islam are required to respect and adhere to these standards
in the hope of pleasing their Creator and preparing a better station for
themselves in this life and the hereafter.


(Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and be modest. That is purer for
them. Lo! Allah is aware of what they do. And tell the believing women to
lower their gaze and be modest and to display of their adornment only that
which is apparent.) (An-Nur 24:30-31)


And Allah, glory be to Him, praised pious men and women saying,


(And they who do not call upon another god with Allah and do not slay the
soul, which Allah has forbidden except in the requirements of justice, and
(who) do not commit fornication and he who does this shall find a requital
of sin) (Al-Furqan 25:68).


In the case of this young couple, only Allah knows if she repented to Allah
for her previous sin and hoped to cover her wrong doing by concealing it, or
if it was an actual act of predetermined deception; we can't harbor
suspicions about others' intentions, only Allah knows what is concealed
within hearts.


(Unless he or she repents, believes, and performs righteous deeds, for Allah
will change the evil of such persons into good, and Allah is Oft-Forgiving,
Most Merciful.) (Al-Furqan 25:70)


Sometimes, a wise approach could solve a major conflict prior to its


Let's take a closer look at the beginning of the article published by Times,
on May 31, 2008.


A court in the northern city of Lille has annulled the marriage of a young
Muslim couple after the groom complained his bride was not virgin as she
claimed to be.


The husband said his bride had deceived him on "one of the essential
elements" of the marriage.  


The bride acknowledged that she had led her groom to believe that she was a
virgin when she had already had sexual intercourse.


The bride did not oppose the marriage annulment.


The fact that she did not oppose the marriage annulment shows a certain
integrity she possessed, possibly filled with guilt and/or remorse. This
should have been the end of a sad story.


"However, politicians, feminists, and rights activists saw the ruling as an
affront to the legal equality of men and women and a violation of a woman's
privacy," reported Times.


The protests continue.


"[I'm] shocked to see that today in France the civil law can be used to
diminish the status of women," Valerie Letard, Minister for Women's Rights,
said. (Times)


Such statements are not true. Allah, glory be to Him, exalts the status of
women by ordaining laws to raise the status of women and protect their
chastity, honor, and integrity. Feminists see this as a violation of woman's
rights. It is sad to see some females today, not considering guarding their
chastity an issue related to honor.


(Do they then seek after a judgment of (the days of) ignorance? But who, for
a people whose faith is assured, can give better judgment than Allah?)
(Al-Ma'idah 5:50)


"It is profoundly shocking that, in our country, a marriage can be annulled
on the basis of non-virginity before the marriage," Frederic Lefebvre,
spokesman for President Nicolas Sarkozy's governing UMP party, said in a
statement, reported by Times.


It is interesting to note here that the virginity issue is highlighted and
not the deception itself. Although we don't know if the intention of the
bride was deception, never the less, in any case involving deception, courts
of law in any country would annul a contract when it is based on such, and
the accused party admits the guilt.


"The sexuality of women in France is a private and free matter," said
feminist Elisabeth Badinter. "The annulment will just serve to send young
Muslim girls running to hospitals to have their hymens restored," she


When Allah's laws have no part in the moral life of a society, it's no
wonder why we see statements like this.


Practicing Muslims, in no way, see their lives, actions, thoughts, and
morality separate from their religious belief. It is regrettable to see so
much bold ignorance coming from those who have important posts in
governments, societies, and even schools.


If it is the right of women to do as they want with their lives and beliefs,
then why are they banned from wearing hijab in schools in the same country
that is crying out for women's rights?


Is it not their personal choices that are being violated? At what point do
we make a distinction between women's rights and political agendas related
to Muslim women in Western countries? On the one hand, the West ignorantly
considers Muslim women in certain countries oppressed, and, on the other,
their own governments oppress Muslim women by subjecting them to follow
traditions totally alien their religious beliefs.


It is interesting that in the above article and all the debates, there is no
mention of the rights of the young bridegroom being cheated. There is no
mention of his feelings of betrayal, the possible costs of marriage and
emotional hardship he suffered as a result of this deception - not to
mention the possible embarrassments between the families of both.


The issue of chastity, for those who believe in Allah, His Prophets, and the
Day of Judgment, is not a matter of choice, but an obligation that must be
guarded with utmost care. We decide if we want to be winners in the sight of
man or in the sight of the Creator.


Western or feminists' objection to chastity issues doesn't in any way deter
a Muslim in believing that the laws of Allah always prevail over the laws of


(But the word of Allah is exalted to the heights, for Allah is Exalted in
might.) (At-Tawbah 9:40)




"Virginity Ruling Stirs French Furor" News. IslamOnline. 31 May 2008. 

"Outrage as French judge annuls Muslim marriage over bride's virginity lie"
Bremner, Charles. Last accessed 23 June 2008.




Raya Shokatfardis an Iranian freelance writer and documentary producer based
in Egypt . She has been active in presenting Islam to non-Muslims in the US
for many years. She holds a master's degree in journalism and mass media and
a master's diploma in TV news production. 



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