The Middle East's Leading English Language Daily 

                  Monday 3 December 2007 (23 Dhul Qa`dah 1428) 

                  What Ails Arab World 
                  Reem Al Faisal, Arab News -
                  There is an Arab proverb that says, "If you have no more 
shame left in you, then feel free to do what you will" and by observing the 
present Arab mood, one is struck by how much this proverb applies to the Arabs 
now, whether they are the general public or the ruling elite and intelligentsia.

                  Arabs have nearly failed in all ideological and political 
projects they have undertaken in the past 60 years (barring minor successes 
here and there). All they have held to be sacred such as Nasserism, Arab 
nationalism or Baathism have only brought bitter disappointment. They lack any 
sense of pride in their achievements. This toxic mixture has produced a 
thoroughly rotten state of being. This afflicts the entire Arab world with 
slight differences related to each country's specific historic and cultural 
background. This putrid atmosphere, as I said, covers all segments of the Arab 
society - both the general public and the elite.

                  As a result of this sickening atmosphere, the Arabs simply 
surrender all reason or self-respect when confronted with the possibility of 
failure or defeat. They don't know how to resist or react to the challenges to 
their very existence, particularly the Palestinian cause. We have become 
spectators desperate for strangers to take the lead in our own play.

                  There exists an unspoken wish in the Arab minds that the 
Palestinian problem would somehow or other go away even if it means the 
disappearance of the Palestinians themselves. It is as though we are wishing 
them away. We behave as though we are in the position of someone burdened with 
the responsibility of taking care of a gravely handicapped member of the family 
and who after many years of desperate care wishes that the crippled kin simply 
died sparing him the pain and agony of looking after the unfortunate fellow. 
So, we are now hoping the Palestinians would just vanish and leave us, the rest 
of the Arabs, in peace, to live, enjoy life and go about those mundane things 
which define other people's lives. We desire nothing more than to be spared the 
gruesome spectacle of Palestinians crying for our help and dying.

                  As we regurgitate our personal agony remembering the 
thousands who died for the sake of Palestine and many more who have been 
maimed, we choose to ignore the fact that we have countries to return to. We 
have homes and families living free on their own land with dignity while the 
Palestinians have died by the tens of thousands since 1948 and the rest have 
been living as homeless, wandering refugees since 1948, not to say anything of 
those living under a brutal and humiliating occupation since 1967. Arabs feel 
they have suffered taking care of their handicapped kin but does their 
suffering reach anywhere near that of the Palestinians?

                  The word that captures the Arab world's mood now is 
"Business." They talk of the rise in petrol prices, the economic boom exploding 
all over the Arab world, the reforms in economic laws and liberalization of the 
economy. Words like globalization and free trade are all the fashion now while 
we build new cities to express this new direction in Arab societies. All of it 
is good and should be done to improve the living standard of the Arabs. Yet, 
lost in this economic euphoria is all the rest. Does the solution for the 
problems of the Arab world lie in the creation of a few billionaires? How can 
we try to fix the pipe in a house that is burning down? If you feel I am 
exaggerating things, then look around you.

                  The situation in Palestine has never been this worse. An 
entire nation has been put in concentration camps and left to starve and the 
Arab world finds that it doesn't merit a crisis call? Iraq is occupied and 
brutalized and you don't even call for resistance or support the one already on 
the ground, preferring to denounce the chaos without accusing or holding to 
account those who are responsible for it. Somalia is virtually gone and you 
haven't budged. Soon Iran will be bombed and then more chaos will engulf the 
entire region but you are enthusiastically talking about economic growth. It is 
as though you are building a house over an active volcano and worse it is 
already rumbling and all you talk about is how you are going to decorate it. 
And if anyone, God forbid, resists or even thinks of resistance he or she is 
condemned as a fanatic. The fearless defense of Hezbollah in Lebanon last year 
won them no thanks from Arab regimes or many of the Arab people. They passed 
over the first true victory in six decades of the Arab-Israeli conflict with 
nothing more than scorn.

                  In many ways the girl from Qatif, as she is now known to the 
entire world, has become to me a metaphor for what ails the Arab world: A woman 
gang-raped yet punished for being a victim! Anyone who defends her is also held 
accountable. She defines what is very wrong with our state of being in which 
the God-given rights are perverted and wrong becomes right and cruelty becomes 
justice. Now, in the Arab world it is the victim who is punished, it is the 
victim who will not be allowed to seek justice or defend himself. It is the law 
of the jungle in which the strong are rewarded and the weak persecuted. So, 
feel free to do what you will since we have become a people bereft of any shame.

                  - Reem Al Faisal is a Saudi photographer. She is based in 

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