Yudhoyono and embassies menaced as executions near 
  a.. Tom Allard, Tenggulun, East Java 
  b.. November 5, 2008 
Appealing for support: Jaffar Sidik, the brother of Bali bombers Amrozi and 
Mukhlas, calls for a protest against their executions. Photo: Jason South 

RADICAL cleric and co-founder of Jemaah Islamiah, Abu Bakar Bashir, says he 
expects to attend the funerals of Bali bombers Amrozi and Mukhlas in Tenggulun 
as his followers have begun descending on the men's home village.

A large turnout at the funeral of the brothers is just one of many security 
issues facing Indonesian authorities ahead of the executions of the bombers, 
which keep being pushed back. The delays are giving hardliners more chance to 
mobilise and make threats.

Yesterday, Indonesian police revealed that the US and Australian embassies in 
Jakarta received a bomb threat in an SMS message, prompting them to launch a 
security sweep outside the diplomatic missions.

Indonesia tightened security around the President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono 
after threats to his life.

The threat to Mr Yudhoyono was in an online letter purportedly from the death 
row Bali bombers, Mukhlas, Amrozi and Imam Samudra, spokesman Andi Mallarangeng 

The letter, posted on an internet website in Indonesian, Arabic and English and 
dated August, urges Islamist militants to "war against and kill" Mr Yudhoyono 
and other senior officials in retaliation for the executions.

Bashir said that ideally he would attend both funerals of the bombers. "If the 
murder takes place, most probably I'll go to Lamongan (the regency in which 
Tenggulun is situated) because I live in Solo. Lamongan is the closer."

Imam Samudra, the other Jemaah Islamiah member on death row for orchestrating 
the bombings on Kuta Beach that killed 202 people, including 88 Australians, 
lives in Serang, Java.

Bashir, who was released from prison in 2006 after serving a short sentence for 
his alleged role in inspiring the bombings, said: "If Muslims are angry, it 
will be only words. But if God is, it will be real problem."

Bashir recently formed a new group, Jamaah Anshorut Tauhid, and about 30 
members of the organisation arrived at Tenngulun yesterday.

Abdul Rahim, a key figure in the group, said: "Hundreds of us are waiting in 
Solo to come . but on the day of the execution there could be 1000 here."

Bashir's followers believe the CIA planted a micro-nuclear device that was 
responsible for the larger explosion that levelled Bali's Sari Club in October 

Other radical groups may also come to Tenggulun, where a strong police presence 
is expected on the day of the funeral.

While supporters of the bombers maintain the executions are unjust and must be 
stopped, Nusakambangan prison chief Bambang Winahyo said the bombers appeared 
calm and ready to die, in line with their repeated assertions that they were 
looking forward to becoming martyrs for jihad.

"They're in good condition, healthy," he said. "It seems they're facing this 

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