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Thursday, 16 April 2009
Iraq air raids hit mostly women and children

Analysis carried out for the research group Iraq Body Count (IBC)
found that 39 per cent of those killed in air raids by the US-led
coalition were children and 46 per cent were women. Fatalities caused
by mortars, used by American and Iraqi government forces as well as
insurgents, were 42 per cent children and 44 per cent women.

2009/4/18 jano ko <>:
> L Meilany :
> 1. Pak Jano  ko memang baru berandai-andai.
> Yg nyata saja, baru2 terjadi korban Situ Gintung jebol itu kebanyakan adalah
> perempuan , anak2, dan manula [ kebanyakan perempuan]. Yang mati hampir 
> 100-an dalam waktu 10 menit.
> [ Lihat saja daftar kematian yg diumumkan]
> ---
> ko_jano :
> Sebaiknya L. Meilany lebih banyak lagi membaca informasi, nasehat ini juga 
> berlaku untuk ko_jano unyil.
> Ko_jano tidak berandai - andai, ko_jano bicara kenyataan.
> Silahkan baca informasi dibawah ini :
> BAQUBA, Jun 18 (IPS) - Just about everyone in
> Iraq is a loser as a result of the occupation, but none more than
> women. One of the more obvious signs of that is the very large number
> of widows.
> The Asharq al-Awsat Arab media channel estimated
> in late 2007 there were 2.3 million widows in Iraq. These include
> widows from the 1980-1988 war with Iran in which half a million men
> were killed, the U.S.-led invasion and occupation of Iraq, and from
> 'natural' causes. The news outlet cited the Iraqiyat (Iraqi women)
> group as a source for their figure.
> --
> Semoga bermanfaat dan mencerahkan.
> Wassalam
> -o0o-

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