Hi all.
As I woke up this morning I found that the talking had been going on while I was asleep. Too many messages to answere in a lot of different subjects. I got confused. I if I answered all separatelly this fine sunny day was lost. I will try to make it short.
I am not Danish, I am Swedish. But I live here in the south of Sweden just in sight of the danish Capital Copenhagen, so... 350 years ago I would have been danish. Unfortunatelly the Swedish king succeded in grabbing this south part of Sweden in the last war between these two countrys. Since then we have grown out of the habit of waging wars, but one more in order to bring us back to Denmark would not be all wrong...
Sometimes it is a bit difficult to find the right word in a foreighn language. May be the feeling, when you go out to see the beautiful world outside, that gives the impression that there has to be a some entity that arranged it all can be described as "wishful thinking"? That we like it here is no surprize as the evolution made us that way and not desighned us to live in Mars. In which case we would not like it here at all. I think it's that simple.
That different tribes in different times and in different places come to the same conclusions about life, death and children is natural even if details differ. The tribe has to live on and never are so many children born as in times of war. Maybe that's wrong in the modern western world. In other, less fortunate, parts of the world there is no lack of children as it is in the westerns world to day. But what to do about it? I don't know. I'm too old now to make any contributions anyway. I have done my part.
If there is a watch there is, of course, a watchmaker, but evolution is no watch and neither is the DNA molecule. Many of the different spicies evolved has not survived, only the fittest and those that are best adapted to live on, or to keep themselves alive. The eveolvement might be accidental but who is surviving is not. That does not take away our responsibility to do the best for ourselves and our kin. We have got to do what we see best. But what is the best is open for discussion, of course.
§( :8-)
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