----- Original Message ----- 
From: Al Winslow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2002 3:50 PM
Subject: Re: SV: {W&P} SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: SV: The Pope, priests, and pedophiles

Al Winslow wrote:

> > > >  ---------------------------
> > > 
> > > Kids in US schools who do not wish to participate
> > in reciting the Pledge 
> > > of Allegiance are not forced to do so.
> > > 
> > > Athists would like to deprive the other kids from
> > having the opportunity 
> > > to perform that innocent ritual with the words
> > "under God" in it.
> > > 
> > > The answer to the question of which side is
> > narrow-minded and 
> > > totalitarian is quite clear.
> > > 
> > 
> > It's clear that the narrow-minded are the religious
> > ones. Keep the religion in the churches where it
> > belongs and let others be free of superstition.
> > 
> >-----------------------------------
> The important point to this American is the
> application of constitutional procedures. Our
> constitution is the foundation of our legal system and
> the guarantee of our freedom. The 9th Circuit Court
> judges who declared the Pledge with the words "under
> God" in it to be unconstitutional were almost
> certainly incorrect in their understanding of the
> First Amendment. If they can fool around with one part
> of the Bill of rights ,like that they can fool around
> with all of them. The third judge on the panel had it
> right. If the full 11-judge panel re-hears the case or
> if it goes to the Supreme Court I've no doubt that the
> matter will be properly disposed of. The 9th Circuit
> court is the most frequently reversed appeals court in
> the federal court system.

Do you really mean the the consitution could not work without the religious stuff? I 
don't beleive you. There is no connection between these superstitious words and the 
rest. Take away the religious words and you still end up with the same content. Does 
it really need to borrow power from a non excistent entity?

§( :8-)

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