#1809: Challenges: not able to create alliance between wz-AI and scavenger-AI
 Reporter:  DylanDog                |              Owner:                   
     Type:  bug                     |             Status:  new              
 Priority:  minor                   |          Milestone:  unspecified      
Component:  Engine: Scripting / AI  |            Version:  2.3.0            
 Keywords:  alliance scavenger      |   Operating_system:  Microsoft Windows
Blockedby:                          |           Blocking:  no               
 In Challenges the createalliance(pl1,pl2) does not work if pl1 is
 scavenger and pl2 is the AI (Dydo or whatever else). I understand from
 Zarel that in skirmish games this feature is not enabled. For challenges
 would be nice to have it working as it would add a new feature to the
 challenges too. I open this as BUG.

 You can test it by using the attached dydo-scav.wz on back-to-the-basics

Ticket URL: <http://developer.wz2100.net/ticket/1809>
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