Hello Watir Aficionados,

I am seeking more examples for detecting modal dialogs that 
place themselves frontmost; on top of the browser window. 

I see this one little example:
=>  http://watir.github.io/docs/browser-popups/
==>  https://github.com/watir/watirspec/blob/master/window_switching_spec.rb

And I see the spec which seems to validates the windows array state and 
browser window titles. 

Does anyone know where more variations of examples exist? Then that would 
be good to know. 

I have a single main browser window. 
Will Watir be aware of a modal window that pops up in front of the main 
regardless of the various ways such a modal dialog could be created?  

I'd like to wait for detection of a modal window that displays 
repeatable/predictable info in text; and wait for it to go away. 

ps: BTW, To Dave McNulla => thanks for all the useful podcasts!

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


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