
I'm making a case for Watir-WebDriver at work, and I'd like your insights. 
 First, a little background:

Automated front end testing is going to be owned by the QA department. 
 We're a small group of QAs, some more technical than others, but none of 
us are programmers. 

Over the past three months I have been developing a Watir-WebDriver 
codebase.  It's coming along and I have some reusable code that is now 
running hourly on a continuos integration.  Lately my work has garned some 
attention, and I find myself in a tough position.  On one hand, people are 
enthused.  On the other hand, they are curious about using the Python 
bindings to use WebDriver.  The reason is, there are more devs that know 
Python (one dev in particular has done a fair amount of Selenium WebDriver 
work in Python), and a few of the QAs know Python too.  They seem to think 
this is a language issue, and while I'm biased cause I love Ruby, my 
argument is that the Watir API simply outclasses the Selenium bindings 
(including the Ruby bindings!).  I don't want this to turn into a Python 
vs. Ruby conversation, but I'd like some insight on the Selenium WebDriver 
bindings vs Watir-WebDriver.  What are some things that the Selenium 
bindings (particularly Python) do well?  What about Watir-WebDriver?

Since we're not programmers, and we will likely not hire programmers for 
QA, my reasons for using Watir-WebDriver are largely due to the simplicity 
and directness of it.  It's very easy to get up and running, and therefore 
it would be easy to train in new QAs and have them grok the codebase.  I've 
compared Watir-WebDriver code to Selenium Python code and it's just 
staggering how much easier and more natural the Watir-WebDriver code flows. 
 I've also written simple tests with the Selenium Python bindings and, in 
my opinion, it's not nearly as intuitive and requires a lot more code to do 
the same thing.  It doesn't hurt that the Watir community is awesome - that 
really fuels the fire.

Basically, my job is to stick up for Watir-WebDriver.  I firmly believe 
that it's the best way to use WebDriver, and I also believe it has a great 
future.  I'm looking for any insights you have.  Thanks.

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


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