
   I am running an app where field 'Site' has a select list wihch gets
loaded using Jquery. Next field 'Pub code' gets loaded depending on
'Site'  selection. For some reason set select list does not set it. I
see value getting changed on the screen but the next field does not
get loaded by application. Which tells me that earlier selection is
not being recognized.

I verified it by assigning it to a varible and printing it. It ruturns

Part of my screen looks like

   Site :                   _________    ( drop down)

   Pub Code :         __                  ( Drop down. Will expand
depending on        Site  selection)

Earlier I was running this under WATIR 1.6.2.
But I also tried this under Ruby 1.9.2 / Watir 1.7.1 / cucumber -
0.10.0 / rspec -2.5.0.

My script has following..As you can see I have tried all kinds of

Then /^user selects the Site: "([^\"]*)"$/ do |site_id|
        c = @ie.select_list(:id, "adjustment_site_id").set(site_id)
        p c


It runs as follows
C:\Documents and Settings\ychodank\My Documents\ruby\scripts\qa\Scripts
\Circ Ad
\features>cucumber login.feature
Feature: User logs in to Circ Adj

  Scenario: User logs in to Circ Adj         # login.feature:3
    Given "csrep" logs in                    # step_definitions/
    And clicks the link: "Create adjustment" # step_definitions/
    Then user selects the Site: "Greenville" # step_definitions/

1 scenario (1 passed)
3 steps (3 passed)

Rightnow my cucumber test is not complete. It just has 3 steps. But
when user selects "Greenville" I should be able to see next field
'pubcode' expanding.

If I point to field Site in developer toolbar I see follwoing code
<select name="adjustment[site_id]" id="adjustment_site_id"

I tried to research this for a long time and have been unsuccessful in
finding resolution.

Thank you in advance for any help..

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


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