Hey folks!

Got a head-scratcher, here.

My use case: I want to create a smoke-test that verifies particular 
elements are present on a page.

So, I define the page elements I want, using Alister Scott's 

  *def* self.element element_name
    raise "#{element_name} is being defined twice in #{self}!" if self
    *define_method* element_name.to_s *do*
      yield self   # This is the line that throws the error (see below)
I define elements in my page class...

*class Page*
  element(:important_element1) { |b| b.link(:id=>"x") }
  element(:important_element2) { |b| b.button(:id=>"y") }
Then I have an array containing the names (as symbols) of the important 
elements I want to test...

array = [:important_element1, :important_element2]

Here's the problem: I thought the following would work to iterate through 
the list:

*def* elements_exist?
  array.each { |item| self.send(item).exists? }
I invoke the *elements_exist? *method like this:

on Page do |p|
But the error I'm getting is:

<in the line I noted in red above> in `block in element': no block given 
(yield) (LocalJumpError)

What I don't understand is why it would call the *self.element* method 
again at all. I thought it only does that once at the start, when the class 
is declared.  I don't want to pass it a block here because I already did 
that when I defined the element in the first place.

Is my approach just completely off-base, here?


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