Hello, Chuck!
Thank u for your post and sorry for my delayed response (and my bad
Unfortunately, my web application isn't available outside the network of my
company, otherwise I'd like more help :)
I considered all your suggestions, especially to talk to the developer and
the PO be
Two potential solutions
1) ask the developer what action unhides the element so that a normal user
can interact with it.. e.g. mouseover? Execute that action first, then
set the value
2) use execute_script to execute some jquery or other JS code to change the
style on that element so that
What about just the below?
@browser.file_field(:name => "original").when_present.set *my_image*
On Monday, April 15, 2013 11:07:40 AM UTC-4, Karoline Leite wrote:
> Hi !
> I'm trying to use an INPUT FILE, but I'm receiving error like "unable to
> locate {:name=>"original", :tag_name=>"input"