On Oct 25, 7:13 am, Rajesh <rajesh.hu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> gem install watir
> Any idea, what is missing here?

What is missing is Windows and IE.

If you want to install Watir on a Mac, you need a Windows Virtual
Machine to install it on.  Use Virtual-Box, Parallels, VMWare Fusion,
or a similar desktop virtualization system to create a VM that is
running some flavor of Windows.  I'd recommend XP at first just for
simplicity although it is getting pretty near to the end of it's
supported life.  Then follow instructions for installing Ruby and then
Watir onto windows.

If you want to test a web browser running under the native Mac OS,

 Firefox : use Watir-Webdriver (preferred) or Firewatir
 Chrome: use Watir-Webdriver with Chromedriver see
or Zelkjo's book pages he linked
 Opera: use Watir-Webdriver
 Safari: use Safariwatir (older, not currently being developed) or
convince Apple to get off their collective duff and help the Selenium
Webdriver folks with what they need from apple to get Selenium 2.0
Webdriver working with Safari  (right now the only Safari support,
even under Selenium is for the older SeleniumRC technology, not the
Selenium 2 /Webdriver that most serious Selenium users are moving to
(and which Watir-Webdriver uses to drive the browsers using the more
friendly and properly OOP/Rubiesq Watir API)

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


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