I am relatively new to watir, but I am having a problem finding
checkboxes in a page..

So I wrote a routine that would dig into the divs, find the tables
that contain the checkboxes and it gives me the count of the
checkboxes and a print out of the html of the td...

Here is a sample of the output of my script:

HTML: <td><input type="Checkbox" name="ContCategory"
Tag name: td
Checkboxes: 0
Links: 0

As you can see the the input type="Checkbox, is the only thing I can
think is causing an issue... I was under the impression that watir-
webdriver was not case sensitive when looking for checkboxes...

If you need more information let me know...

Here is my ruby code that I am using to create the above output...

  puts "Printing Divs"
  browser.divs.each {
    puts "Checkboxes: #{d.checkboxes.count}"
    puts "Tables: #{d.tables.count}"
    if d.tables.count > 0
      d.tables.each do |t|
        puts "Images in Tables: #{t.images.count}"
        puts "Links in Tables: #{t.links.count}"
        puts "Checkboxes in Tables: #{t.checkboxes.count}"
        puts "Table Elements: #{t.elements}"
        t.trs.each {
          r.tds.each {
            puts "HTML: #{c.html}"
            puts "Tag name: #{c.tag_name}"
            puts "Checkboxes: #{c.checkboxes.count}"
            puts "Links: #{c.links.count}"
        #t.checkbox(:name => "ContCategory",:value =>
        #t.checkbox(:name => "ContCategory",:value =>
        #t.checkbox(:name => "ContCategory",:value =>
    if d.checkboxes.count > 0
      puts d.html; puts "\n"

If someone can point me in the right direction it would be great...

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you ask, be nice.


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