Mr. Scwamp's words

2012-04-21 Thread jgrit1
He would say. C c c could someone P p p please teach me how to play ch ch checkers and then let me s s sit in the big ch ch chair and have Floyd pr pr pretend to c c cut my hair? I just want to f f fi fit in The untrained voice Sgt at Arms--Scwhamp fan Club and Hair loss support group

Mayberry in Westminster

2012-04-21 Thread Dan Goodwin
Mayberry in Westminster is running this weekend. Friday, our local TV weatherman was doing his broadcasts from there with copious appearances by our tribute artists. dan ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

TAGS actors on other shows

2012-04-21 Thread Trickytimer
I was up early this morning watching a couple episodes of I Love Lucy, and saw Howard McNear on one of the episodes, then on the very next episode was Frank (?) Novello from The Guest of Honor episode. You never know where you're gonna see TAGS folks. Emmett Them Timers are Tricky


2012-04-21 Thread dewey lamb
Has anyone ever seen or heard mentioned anything about a fire department in Mayberry?Goober would have been a natural member of a volunteer fire dept. Dewey in NC When I was young we used to go skinny dipping.Now I just chunky dunk.

wallys window

2012-04-21 Thread wade c
can someone post or maybe explain to me how to screen capture a frame showing wallys service station window, I want to see up close what items he sold. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list