On this Father's Day I thought it would be appropriate to pay homage to
that number one father, Andy Taylor.  What a difference there is today in
how TV father's are portrayed.

In those great classic TV shows we had fathers like Andy Taylor, Ward
Cleaver, Jim Anderson, Dr Alex Stone, and many others who portrayed fathers
in a way fathers should be in real life.  All of these TV fathers were
wonderful role models, mentors, and true "fathers" to their children.  They
were not trying to be their child's best friend nor were they portrayed as
bumbling men who were sex crazed, party guys, and ridiculed by the other
members of their families.

Growing up without a father in my life, I turned to many of those TV
fathers as examples and mentors to what I would have wanted my father to be
like.  They helped me through some very difficult times when I was growing

I meet hundreds of people every week through my job and portrayal as "The
Mayberry Guru".  I see all kinds of fathers and they vary drastically.
 However, I must honestly say, and I am trying not to be judgmental, that I
see too many fathers out there who do not portray an image that is very
positive for their children.  The way the fathers dress, act, and talk in
front of their children sends a very strong message to their children, and
I am afraid too often, the messages are not positive.

I apologize for getting on a bandwagon about this, but you must remember
that I am 67 years old and I grew up in a much different time.  I did not
address my parents friends or adult neighbors by their first names.  I was
the child and they were the adults, and thus they had my respect.
Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
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