Lawdy mercy!! I been outta tetch fer a spell.  I tumbled down the well  
hole a while back and it took me a while before I clumb out of it! I drank  
plenty of fresh water and I et moss offen the rocks, and now and then I found a 
 bug, but eventually come out of that hole and went to my bed and stayed a 
good  while. I purty near got the pew-monia whilst I was in there!! Only 
times I was  outta bed was to fix some fatback and grits and anser nature's 
calls. Feelin'  better now and hope I can take care of thangs agin.  Looks like 
the woods  is all right, 'ceptin I seem to be missin' a few more chickens. 
Wonder if  Harriet been back in here again grabbin my cacklers!!  Now an 
then I see a  puff of smoke down in the holler so guess Otis is back makin' 
some 'What Ails  Ya" medicine as he calls it. 
Anyhoo, I gotta fix a bite to eat since I be doing better, then think I  
will take a walk around the woods and see what I find. 
Y'all stay outta trouble now...and I will be carryin' old Betsy, my double  
barrel 12 gauge scatter gun.  It ain't actually a scatter gun, but when  
folks see me comin', they scatter!!
Old Man Kelsey
Down in Kelsey's Woods
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