mayberry moment

2009-02-03 Thread Ted Kamprad
Two of my co-workers, Steve and Walter were talking. Walter: Steve, I took the keys off your toolbox Steve: You took my keys! Don't take my keys, Walt. I can't stand it when people take my keys. My mother was the same way. Me: Yeah, I remember that about your Mother. I love my job!!! -- Ted

Firebug and Hudge, Jimmy's friend

2009-01-15 Thread Ted Kamprad
Yes I also recognized him as the man that Andy gave a ticket to for not replacing his brakes and they were making a lot of noise. I'm just thinking out loud. Ain't no law against thinking out loud, is there? -- Ted Oh, stewardess. I speak Jive. ___

Aunt Bee solo

2009-01-12 Thread Ted Kamprad
There is a huge difference between flying in a commercial airplane and a two-seater. At least she got a window seat! What's the special at the diner today? -- Ted Oh, stewardess. I speak Jive. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Miracle Salve

2009-01-08 Thread Ted Kamprad
I was watching the Miracle Salve episode and noticed how polished Barney's sales talk was when he was showing Opie how he should sell the stuff. He certainly wasn't that polished when he was selling vacuum cleaners! Has anyone determined yet if that was indeed Mr. Schwamp in Christmas in

Link to xmas in Connecticut

2009-01-08 Thread Ted Kamprad -- Ted Oh, stewardess. I speak Jive. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Twilight Zone

2009-01-02 Thread Ted Kamprad
I was watching The Twilight Zone Marathon on the Sci-fi channel. Switched to TAGS for a little bit. The episode where Barney locks himself in the jail was on. Otis comes in, notices Barney in the cell and says Uh oh. Am I in the Twilight Zone? -- Ted Oh, stewardess. I speak Jive.

Miracle Salve

2008-12-29 Thread Ted Kamprad
It's great for getting rid of corrosion off battery terminals! I also wipe it on my bathroom mirrors-they never fog up! -- Ted Oh, stewardess. I speak Jive. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Mount Airy

2008-12-18 Thread Ted Kamprad
We have a Mount Airy here in Maryland -- Ted in MD Oh stewardess. I speak Jive. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Letters in Mayberry

2008-12-16 Thread Ted Kamprad
How many letters did Andy read aloud during the show's run? Which lines were asked to be re-read by Gomer or Floyd or someone else? Peekaboo dress? Is that like ha-ha? -- Ted in MD ___ WBMUTBB mailing list


2008-12-02 Thread Ted Kamprad
We are all familiar with the funny moments on this show. What is your favorite dramatic moment from the show? Off the top of my head I think of Gentleman Dan Caldwell when he is about to shoot Andy and Opie comes running over You wouldn't shoot my Paw! And when Barney is on the stand in court


2008-11-20 Thread Ted Kamprad
I have always wondered-how was Howard able to go to the Carribean with that dreadful mother of his? Ted in MD ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Color Episodes

2008-11-07 Thread Ted Kamprad
I overheard a co-worker explaining about TAGS to a foreigner who had never seen the show. He said it was on from 1960-65. I told him it was on until 1968. He said-Oh, I dont count the color episodes! Geez. Many people don't like 'em, but what are the best color episodes? Ted in MD

Mt. Airy News

2008-11-06 Thread Ted Kamprad
Yes, I did notice the Mt. Airy newspaper about ten years ago. In fact I think my first contribution to this bulletin board was in regards to that particular scene. Ted in MD -- Well I'll tell you what, I'll pick up a sun dress and a parasol and you can sashay your pretty little self around the

Goldie Hawn

2008-11-04 Thread Ted Kamprad
I was watching the episode where Helen puts on a musical at the school. I had heard a long time ago that Goldie Hawn was one of the dancers. Is this true? Ted in MD -- Well I'll tell you what, I'll pick up a sun dress and a parasol and you can sashay your pretty little self around the town

The Keevy episode

2008-10-31 Thread Ted Kamprad
I enjoy this episode more every time I see it. I love it when Andy becomes frustrated at Opie because Opie keeps wanting Keevy to record Aunt Bee's And Clara's song. I especially like the scene in the hotel lobby when Andy asks Keevy over for dinner (but he doesnt really want him to come) Opie

Color Episodes

2008-10-22 Thread Ted Kamprad
I just realized how everyone can enjoy the color episodes now that they are once again upon us. Get that old Black and White TV out of the basement! Ted in MD ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Pink Floyd Gomer

2008-10-21 Thread Ted Kamprad
Actually, while I am not trying to be obtuse, the track Gomer is heard on is Nobody Home. Ted in MD ___ WBMUTBB mailing list


2008-10-20 Thread Ted Kamprad
Can anyone name which rock n roll group released a Number one album in late 1979, which included, during a pause in the lyrics, Gomer Pyle shouting Surprise, surprise, surprise!? It is my faborite group of all time, incorporating my favorite show of all time! Ted in MD

Danny Thomas episode

2008-10-06 Thread Ted Kamprad
I posted a comment last week that I had never seen the pilot. A very nice gentleman emailed me and said he would send me a copy along with Return To Mayberry! Went to my po box this morning and there it was. Went to work and watched it with my co-workers before the bosses came in. What a great way

TAGS pilot

2008-09-29 Thread Ted Kamprad
I have never seen this episode. Is the DVD readily available at Best Buy? Thanks! Ted in MD ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Barn ey's replacement

2008-09-22 Thread Ted Kamprad
I always thought that Jerry Van Dyke would have been good to play the deputy after Barney. Ted in MD ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Favorite Lines

2008-08-22 Thread Ted Kamprad
There are so many but I'll pick Lydia-I can't go out in the sun, it gives me the herpes. Ted in MD ___ WBMUTBB mailing list


2008-07-29 Thread Ted Kamprad
I saw a very nice lighter for sale on ebay with several characters on it. Underneath the picture it said: Pilot mt. NC. I thought that was neat. Ted ___ WBMUTBB mailing list


2008-05-28 Thread Ted Kamprad
Andy constantly uses a phrase that I have never heard anywhere else -That's a time. He says it when he is happy about something or proud of somebody. Am I mis-hearing it? Where is it from? Thanks! Ted in MD ___ WBMUTBB mailing list


2008-05-23 Thread Ted Kamprad
Thank you! I did receive this digest on May 22. Ted in MD ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Estelle Parsons

2008-04-02 Thread Ted Kamprad
Did I hear correctly? Did anyone notice during the Mr. Goss episode, when Aunt Bee was listing all of the eligible young ladies in Mayberry, one of them was named Estelle Parsons? The actress from Bonnie and Clyde, All in the Family, and Roseanne. Ted in MD

Village of the Giants

2007-10-11 Thread Ted Kamprad
Anyone seen the 1965 movie Village of the Giants? With Ronny Howard as the genius? It sounds interesting... Ted in MD -- You have to know how to accept rejection and reject acceptance -Ray Bradbury I got food poisoning today. I don't know when I'll use it.-Stephen Wright

Mt. Airy newspaper

2007-09-21 Thread Ted Kamprad
I definitely did see the Mt. Airy newspaper(Andy was reading it on the couch). This was many years ago, in fact when I saw it I had just joined the bulletin board and I think this was the first time I contributed to the board when I asked about the newspaper, and someone confirmed to me that Andy

Jerry Van Dyke

2007-08-27 Thread Ted Kamprad
Was reading on Wikipedia about Jerry Van Dyke, and that he was offered a role on TAGS as Barney's replacement, but turned it down to do My Mother the Car. It says he also turned down the title role in some show called---Gilligan's Island! Who preytell, was this man's agent? Ted in MD -- Serenity


2007-08-22 Thread Ted Kamprad
Saw the bank manager AND Dud Wash on Munsters last night! -- Serenity now...insanity later. Lloyd Braun. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Cousin Virgil

2007-07-25 Thread Ted Kamprad
One thing I can never figure out about the Cousin Virgil episode is...when Andy and Barney can't find him on the bus and they state they are going to backtrack to try to find him, when they see him on the road, he is headed in the same direction they are. Shouldn't he be headed toward them? It's a

mayberry moment

2007-07-05 Thread Ted Kamprad
Was watching All in the Family the other night. An older couple that were friends of the Bunkers was played by Burt Mustin and the lady that played Mrs Pendleton. -- Serenity now...insanity later. Lloyd Braun. ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Teri Garr

2007-06-21 Thread Ted Kamprad
Which episode was Teri Garr in? I don't recall seeing her. Thanks. Ted in MD -- There is no human problem which could not be solved if people would simply do as I advise. Gore Vidal ___ WBMUTBB mailing list


2007-06-18 Thread Ted Kamprad
I think Lydia's trademark line was when she stated why she couldn't go out in the sun. It gives me the herpes. Ted in MD -- There is no human problem which could not be solved if people would simply do as I advise. Gore Vidal ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

Chinese restaurant

2007-01-20 Thread Ted Kamprad
Saw the episode where Aunt Bee opens chinese restaurant with a partner. Asian gentleman says his nephew goes to the University of North Carolina. The way he said Carolina was VERY southern sounding, like he was making fun of the accent. It was hilarious!!! Anyone else notice this? Ted in MD

Mayor pike

2006-12-12 Thread Ted Kamprad
Saw an ad for Kay Jewelers the other night, and it had the scene from It's a Wonderful Life that had Mayor Pike in it. Ted in MD ___ WBMUTBB mailing list

xmas carol

2006-12-04 Thread Ted Kamprad
Is that Elinor Donahue singing away in a manger in the christmas episode? Also, when Weaver was in the alley, I saw a poster advertising a horse race. gambling in Mayberry?? Ted in MD ___ WBMUTBB mailing list