Going to the movies in Mayberry was an important part of the social life;
especially among those folks who were courting.  There was a very limited
choice of entertainment just as there is in any small town.  My heart was
saddened on Sunday when I learned that the movie theater back home that I
frequented on many Friday nights and Sunday afternoons burned to the
ground.  Even sadder is that a young volunteer firefighter who was a deputy
sheriff perished in the fire as the roof collapsed on him.  He was the
father of three young children, the youngest being just four months old. He
was from the small town of Colby where I am giving a Mayberry presentation
on the 19th. The theater was one of the few  small town theaters still
operating in Wisconsin as the town of Abbotsford has only 1200 people.
Obviously it will not be rebuilt and yet another landmark from my youth is
now gone.  Of course that is meaningless compared to the tragedy of the
loss of that brave young firefighter.  It is yet another reminder of how
fragile life can be and how suddenly tragedy can strike, just as it has in
Kentucky this past weekend.  I think it is because of the fragility of life
that this Digest and all you folks are so important to me.  If even for a
few brief moments each and every day I can forget all the trials and
tribulations of the real world and with your help I can escape to Mayberry
where all is well and evil and hatred are not to be found.  Thank you each
and every one of you for being a part of our Mayberry family.  Even though
our paths have never crossed and I cannot put a face to many of you, I
consider you my friends.

Ken Anderson
The Mayberry Guru
2906 May Street
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701
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