Dear TAGS friends,
  I much prefer the black and white episodes.  I agree that the black and white 
  seem more relaxed, down home and kinder.  The color episode plots resemble 
  television shows.
  The stories are more seriously plotted, like Helen's past, or the school play.
  What I don't like is how Andy changes in the color episodes.
  He seems angry a lot of the time, and especially towards Opie.  Like when 
Opie says, "I think you have a cold coming on", in the Andy gets the flu 
episode.  Why does Andy have to get cross and snap, "do you want to eat your 
  I think Andy was a much kinder father in the black and white episodes.  
  Maybe Andy Griffith was sad about Barney leaving, and it shows.
  I like the color episodes with Warren, and when Howard tells jokes about
  the citizens of Mayberry.  
  We watch the colored episodes, but our family likes the black and white
  episodes much better.  
  -Silvia from California who wishes she was in Mayberry 

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