
I'm pleased as punch (in the nose) to announce that a new chapter of TAGSRWC 
has been established in MACON, MISSOURI!  It's called BLOOD BROTHERS, and our 
first organizational meeting is going to be Sunday afternoon/evening, April 7.  
We might have meat, tators, and bread, plus lots of singing, watching TAGS, and 
other surprises.

This is a most welcome event in my life.  In March 2011 my brother and I had to 
move our mom to an assisted living community, and for over a year she fought 
us.  Finally, in June of last year, she decided to sell her household items and 
really embrace the friends in her new living quarters.  Her sale was July 25, 
and as luck would have it, she fell on July 27 and suffered a spinal cord 
injury which left her paralyzed until she finally passed on November 14.  The 
holidays were so difficult, but things are looking brighter now.  Mom lost her 
appetite for food and TV, her two favorite things.  The only thing she let me 
turn on TV was TAGS.  That was about the only thing that would get a smile from 
her.  So you can see how TAGS is special to my family.

I'm taping a segment on TAGS for a local TV station this afternoon, so Andy's 
been on my mind for a few weeks in preparation for it.  Nothing like TAGS to 
get us through lifes toils and troubles.

Hey to you and yours,
Johnna Bixenman
Blood Brothers
Macon, MO
WBMUTBB mailing list

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