Not to make a big moulage out of it, but Barney was seen upstairs in a bedroom 
at the Taylors...with his suitcase.... when he barricaded the door with the 
dresser because an escaped convict had threatened him...."I'll get you for this 
Deputy" least that's what my bucket is saying. I sure am 
enjoying all these trivia the way.....keep up the good work 
everyone. Actually, I have a trivia question of my own. I watched an episode  
the other day (Aunt Bee and Mr. Goss) where Otis lit a cigarette inside the 
courthouse and then threw the match on the floor....and later in the same 
episode, i saw Andy light a cigarette on the front porch, and then just threw 
the match down. Made me think of quite a few other occasions where cigarettes 
and matches were just thrown on the ground or actually in the courthouse. Any 
thoughts about this???

Bob Castrucci
Tied with Anita as Cincinnati's biggest TAGS fan.  
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