I have a confession to make.  I grew up in HIckory, NC - not too far from Mount 
Airy - but have never visited the fair city.  ("Dirty me, dirty me, I'm 
disgusted with myself.")  My darlin' person, Jan, and I decided to make the 
pilgrimage from east Tennessee.  We arrived here late Saturday - too late to do 
much of anything.  Spent most of Sunday strolling down Main Street and visiting 
the enterprises that were open.

Today was much more active (I know, what's my hurry?)  I'd purposely let myself 
get a li'l shaggy so I paid Mr. Hyatt a visit.  I have to say that was the 
highlight of the trip.  While waiting for my haircut, were very happy to 
loaf...uh, sit around talking with goooood folks, some of 'em local, some not.  
Now, if'n you got in mind to do this yourself, don't 'spect to hurry.  After a 
bit of a wait, I was in the chair more than 30 minutes.  Mr. Hyatt is a true 
delight.  I was a bit surprised about his openness - talked so many things, 
including his wife's health, his own, etc.  She must be a treasure as well, Mr. 
Hyatt took a licking to my darlin' person, so I know he has great taste in 
women.  He stopped a number of times to talk to Jan or to others who seemed to 
just drop by.  There were three groups that came in just to look and took his 
picture cutting my hair.  I wonder whose family albums I'm going to be in!  Jan 
saw him later on the street and they talked some more.

After my haircut, it was lunch time.  Most of you surely know what was next.  
Yep, the PCS from the SL!  Later, we went to see Mr. Forrest's collection of AG 
memorabilia at the Griffith playhouse and sponsored by the Surry County Arts 
folks.  I didn't see Jeff, sorry I missed you.  Our own David Browning is the 
centerpiece of the welcome video.  For someone who couldn't even talk on a tape 
recorder, you've sure come a long way!  Lots of good stuff to see.  My personal 
favorite was probably the old salt & pepper.  I also saw the Otis/Hal Smith 
coat and hat that came from our own Jim Clark.  Jim, how in the world did you 
come to have that?  There was also an item from Mike Creech.  I recognized 
other names throughout town.  Ken Anderson, your book is all around town, as 
are works from Jewell Kutzer and K. Darden/Flo.

It took me 51 years, but I'm happy to be in Mayberry, my home town.

Don Good
(PROUD member of Mr. Hiatt's wall of fame)
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