On Sun, 26 Feb 2006 07:23:00 -0600, you wrote:

> too feel as though I lost a dear friend. I can't help but to cry. It was 
>wonderful to hear that Andy said he loved Don very much. I put on my season 
>4 DVD set today and had a marathon in memory of our Ole Barn.

I feel the same way. I worked late yesterday and heard about Don's
passing on the radio. I went home and as I was telling my wife about it
I was leaking some tears too. What a great man he was, and what an
influence on my life. I, too, knew this day would come, but I didn't
want it to ever happen. I am sad, very sad.

>We will meet but we will miss him,
>There will be his vacant chair;
>We will linger to caress him
>While we breathe our evening prayer;
>When a year ago we gathered,
>Joy was in his mild blue eye,
>But a golden chord is severed,
>And our hopes in ruin lie. 
>We will meet, but we will miss him,
>There will be his vacant chair,
>We will linger to caress him
>While we breathe our evening prayer.
>At our fireside, sad and lonely,
>Often will the bosom swell
>At remembrance of the story,
>How our noble father fell;
>How he strove to bear our banner
>Through the thickest of the fight;
>And uphold our country's honor,
>In the strength of manhood's fight.
>True, they tell us wreaths of glory
>Ever more will deck his brow,
>But this soothes the anguish only,
>Sweeping o'er our heartstrings now.
>Sleep today, Oh early fallen,
>In thy green and narrow bed.
>Dirges from the pine and cypress
>Mingle with the tears we shed.

Jeff Krentz -BigHead in Dee-Troit
(O'Malley says "Thank You Don!")

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