I've had a bucket on my head a lot lately, and I've started wondering 
something: do you suppose that John Masters and Clara Edwards were related, 
maybe even siblings?  Let's look at the facts:

A- Both take an awful lot of pride in what they do, working to maintain their 
reputations (John Masters with the choirs and dramas, Clara Edwards with 
pickles and roses)  

2- Both tend to take issue with what others are doing, causing a big moulage 
and then leaving it for others to deal with the effects

C- They share an appreciation of music, with Clara playing the church organ

They even tend to resemble each other, I think.

While it's true that John refers to Clara by both her first and last name 
"Clara Edwards," don't you suppose this is a result of the strict and formal 
environment in which they were raised?

Maybe someone should do some research on that ancestry.com website.  I hear 
that they have goooood machines, almost as good as down at the bank.


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